VOL. 12

Vol. 12 No. 1

September – October  2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover Page
1Shri. Vinayak Anandrao PatilImpact Of Digitalization On Customer Satisfaction In Indian Post Offices1 to 11Download
2Arghya Mondal
Gargi Bhattacharjee
Assessing the Resilience of Women SHGs in India: Pre- and Post-Pandemic Comparative Study of Bank Linkage Program12 to 20Download
3Dr.Mahavir Jaykumar BuraseSocio-Economic Impact of Sugar Industry in the North-Eastern Part of Kolhapur District21 to 23Download
4Mr. Suraj M. Dhikar, Trushal R. GulhaneInternet Use Pattern Among Students of Post Graduate Teaching Department in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University: A Study24 to 26Download
5Dr. Madhav RajpangeAn Appraisal on Horticulture Activities in Maharashtra State27 to 33Download
6Mr. Pradip VegadThe Politicization of Refugee Protection: Possibilities of Refinement of International Refugee Governance!34 to 37Download
7Alok Kumar Tripathi, Harendra Kumar SinghUse of ICT and e-resources of Academic Growth of Teachers and Research Scholars in Current Scenario38 to 42Download
8Mr. Deepak Devendra GaikwadA Study on Influencing Factors of Buying Decision under CRM43 to 45Download
9Dr. S. P. GhugeTourism an Incredible India with Adventure Tourism A Critical Review46 to 48Download
10Dr. Malavika Ahlawat, Mrs Soma GuhaEffectiveness of an Educational Program on Awareness of Air Pollution Among Secondary School Students49 to 53Download
11Dr. Jagannath Kisan KhemnarTransport Sector: An engine of economic growth of India54 to 58Download
12Mr. Farhad ShahidzadaImpact of Corruption on Women in Afghanistan56 to 60Download
13Mr. Prashant.V.Pawar, Dr. Y. P. Pawar, Prof. G. D. LakadeTo Evaluate Performance of Ternary Blended Concrete with Fly Ash and Silica Fume61 to 68Download
14Dr. Ravindra B. TembhurneE-Commerce Revolution, Online and Digital Marketing69 to 70Download
15Dr. Sarita R. VishwakarmaAdolescent Problems & Solutions71 to 74Download
16Jerrin Jose, Dr. Jyotshna SinghThe Role of Sports in Promoting Social Integration and Inclusion75 to 78Download
17विक्रम सखाराम राजवर्धनहरिशंकर परसाई के कथा साहित्य में राजनीतिक व्यंग्य79 to 82Download
18Mr. Siddhant.D.Shinde-patil, Prof. Y. P. Pawar, Prof. G. D. LakadeEffect of Seismic & Wind Speed on Structural Behavior of Monopole and Self-Support Telecommunication Towers83 to 89Download
19Dr. D. R. KhanderaoThe Horrors of life without Woman90 to 92Download
20डॉ.इन्नुस एस.शेख.अब्दुल बिस्मिल्लाह की कहानियों में चित्रित सामाजिक दशा93 to 95Download
21Manjunath Pujar, Suresh N. HullannavarThe Demand for Separate Statehood in North Karnataka: Addressing Regional Disparity, Historical Grievances, and Future Development Opportunities96 to 105Download
22Aniket D. Chandanshive, Shahaji S. ChandanshiveManagement of Tick Infection in Animal106 to 110Download
23विश्वनाथ बाजीराव कदम, प्रा. डॉ. डी.डी. भासलेभारतीय शेतीची सद्यस्थिती: समस्या आणि उपाय111 to 116Download
24Snehankita Amitabh Khurd
Mr. S. B. Nikam
The Future of Online Learning: Trends and Challenges117 to 119Download
25Alu Manjya Rathod,
Nagesh Gajanan Kele
Exploring the Catalytic Activity of Metal-Free Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanotubes in Oxygen Reduction Reactions120 to 126Download
26Saudi Ahmed Saleh Hadi, Dr. Ramesh ChouguleFostering Critical Reading Skills in Yemeni Classrooms: Strategies for Effective Pedagogy127 to 134Download
27Dr. Sambhaji V. Mane, Mr. Kunal L. SaudagarMarketing of Small Scale Industries in Latur District: A Case Study135 to 140Download
28Dr.Sumangala C Angadiसाहित्य और सिनेमा141 to 144Download
29Sharanabasappa, Dr.N.HonnurswamyAgro-Based Industries and Crop Dynamics in India: A Comprehensive Overview145 to 154Download
30डॉ.दीपक सर्जेराव पाटील – शेटकेविश्ववेध : व्यवस्था, सत्ता आणि वर्चस्व-संघर्ष155 to 157Download
31Dr. Gajanan N. KhamankarThe Nameless Protagonist’s Struggle for Survival in Henry Lawson’s The Drover’s Wife158 to 161Download
32Vasant J Harijan, Dr. Shailesh N RansariyaFinancial Analysis of Mahindra Holidays and Resorts India Limited162 to 166Download
33Sudipta PalNon-Classical Property of Radiation Field167 to 181Download
34Dr. Chochande Ranjana UttamraoReview of Primary Health Care Centre in Dharashiv District182 to 184Download
35Sudipta PalA Socio-Economic and Cultural Study of Tumbuni Village, Birbhum District185 to 190Download
36Dr. Subhash ChanderThe Silent Reign of Raja Suryama191 to 193Download
37Amita Das
Dr. Shabana Anjum
Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude, And Practices Regarding Hypertension Management Among Patients In A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital194 to 202Download
38डॉ. हेमलता काटेमृणाल पांडे के ‘रास्तों पर भटकते हुए’ उपन्यास में चित्रित महानगरीय जीवन में बढती मूल्यहीनता203 to 205Download
39Ayesha Shaikh,Dr. Akshay Meshram, Manisha MugadeTo study the prevalence and drug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Drinking Water Sources of Morbe Dam, Navi Mumbai206 to 217Download
40Dr. Pramod N. Ghyar, Dr. Shravan R. BanasureKiran Nagarkar’s Cuckold : A Historical Perspective218 to 219Download
41Kamini Singhal, Prof. Shalini DubeyImpact of Solar Power Subsidies on Agricultural Output in Agra District (with special reference Bah and Agra Sadar)220 to 224Download
42सौ.मुक्ताबाई नागनाथ डोलारे, डॉ. चौडप्पा दौलप्पा कांबळेगाथा शूरवीरांची225 to 226Download
43ಅರುಣಾ .ಬಿಪೋಷಣೆ ಮತ್ತು ರಕ್ಷಣೆ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಆಸಾಂಸ್ಥಿಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಗಳು227 to 234Download
44Prof. Seema Patil- KoshtiMotivational and Bounce Back Poem Of Rudyard Kipling ‘IF….’235 to 237Download
45Parmar Gita RanchhodbhaiFor a sustainable future: new perspectives in the humanity and fundamental science238 to 240Download
46Shiv Bahadur Singh, Prof. IndrajitSprawl Of Fatehpur City And Its Impact On Public Facilities And Public Sentiments241 to 249Download
47Komal KanojiaImpact of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) on Monetary Policy250 to 254Download
48Priya Antony Chiramel, Sreedivya S, Reshma RMutual Funds in India: Challenges and Opportunities255 to 259Download
49Mr. Rajesh Sudambi, Dr. S. K. KallolikarToward Equality: Contrasting Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Visions on Women’s Social, Economic, and Political Empowerment260 to 267Download
50Dr. Amit Prakash SinghSanitation Evolution and Waste Management Dynamics: A Comprehensive Study of Varanasi City's Infrastructure and Disposal Systems268 to 275Download
51डॉ राजेश मौर्य, डॉ. धरणी रायब्रांड प्रबंधन:-एक अवलोकन276 to 280Download
52Ms. Komal Chandanshive, Dr. Sunita Tidke Consumer Perspectives on GST: A Study in the Mumbai Region

281 to 287Download
53Dr. A.B. Patil, Dr. Sharwari S. KulkarniThe Role of NSS in Growth of Sustainable Environment288 to 290Download
54डॉ. विजय संतू पाटोळेमाध्यमिक स्तरावरील शिक्षकांद्वारे मोबाईलचा अध्ययन अध्यापनासाठी प्रभावी वापर : एक चिकित्सक अभ्यास291 to 296Download
55Dr. Adinath Vishwanath LondheRole Of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations In Securing Human Right’s (1990-2010) 297 to 308Download
56श्री. योगेश नि. पाटील, डॉ. अनिल म. चौधरीसार्वजनिक ग्रंथालयातील माहिती प्रसार: एक अभ्यास309 to 314Download
57डॉ. हंसराज जोशी पर्यावरणस्नेही भारतीय जीवनशैली315 to 318Download
58Mr. N. B. Devkate
Dr. S. G. Bhombe
An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in India’s Public and Private Sector Banking Services 319 to 322Download
59Dr. Anubhav Samuel LalIgniting Minds: Dr. Apj Abdul Kalam's Vision For Education And Youth Empowerment323 to 326Download
60डॉ. केशव माधवराव मोरेदीक्षांत से शिक्षांत तक327 to 328Download