Vol. 11

Vol. 11 No. 1

September – October  2023


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover PageDownload
1Dr. Sachin Appasaheb SardesaiA Study on Women Self Help Group and its Role in Entrepreneurship Development in India1 to 4download
2Dr. Anil Kumar SinghContribution of Print and Electronic Media in the Development of Indian Politics and Politicization.5 to 8download
3Dr.N.ThilagavathyDigital Transformation analyzing the Impact of Technology Integration on Pedagogy in Higher Education (With special reference to college in Chennai city)9 to 15download
4Manju , Prof. K. V. ChamarStudy of Wall Materials of Female Headed Households among Schedule Caste Population in India16 to 22download
5Janhvi Srivastava , Riya“Job Satisfaction and Happiness among Present and Past Decade Employees.”23 to 27download
6Gisa Mariam Gigi, Nikhitha Rajesh, Sania Ann Theresa Mohan, Biju Antony ThekkanathAi Contract: Future and Scope in Legal System28 to 31download
7P N Salmanul Fariz, R S Ahmed Ihsan, Biju Antony ThekkanathForging Fairness and Trust: Unveiling the Crucial Role of Contract Business and Consumer Protection32 to 35download
8Dr. Anil Kumar SinghSituations of Political parties in India36 to 38download
9Dr. Ghantewad.M.T, Mr.Wakade Ashok Kisanसांगोला तालुक्याचे -भगीरथ डॉ गणपतराव देशमुख (आबासाहेब)39 to 43download
10Algunde S. MThe Physicochemical Analysis of Soil from N. Solapur Region, Maharashtra44 to 48download
11Dr. Shashikant Duryodhan KolekarA Study on Impact of Globalization on Indian Economy: A Critical Analysis49 to 51download
12Dr. Shashikant Duryodhan KolekarA Study on Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups in India52 to 55download
13Dr. Shashikant Duryodhan KolekarA Study on Role of Agriculture Sector in Rural Development and Sustainable Development 56 to 59download
14Uday Pratap Singh, Dr. Seema DwivediHydrogeographical Study and Water Resource Assessment of Naraini Tehsil, Uttar Pradesh (A Focus on Gram Panchayats and Their Wells and Ponds of Naraini Tehsil, Banda)60 to 65 download
15Ankit Kumar Yadav, Dr. Seema DwivediSustainable Urban Development: Assessing Social Progress, Economic Growth, and Ecological Stability in Varanasi City66 to 69download
16Harshdeep Kaur, Simranjit Kaur“Her Path To Prosperity: Women’s Empowerment through Entrepreneurship”70 to 75download
17श्रीमती कांति सिंह कठेड़देश के प्रगति में महिलाओं का विशेष योगदान76 to 77download
18Dr. Sominath Sarangdhar KhadeImportance of Water Literacy at Social Level in Bharat78 to 80download
19Mohammed Qasem Al-maflehi , Prof. Dileep Arjune, Dr. Mohammed Hadi NasserAn analytical study of the effect of money supply on the exchange rate in the Yemeni economy during the period (1995_2018)81 to 91download
20Dr. Preeti Suresh SelukarAdvertisement and Consumer Awareness92 to 96download
21डॉ. सुनील अंबऋषी गोंडबँकिंग व्यवसाय क्षेत्र आणि कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता:एक अभ्यास97 to 101download
22Akshay KumarSocio-Economic Conditions of the Musahars: An In-Depth Analysis102 to 108download
23Sobhagini SwainBhagavad Gita’s Svadharma: An Overview109 to 110download
24Dr.K.G.Pokaleमानवाधिकार : आंतरराष्ट्रीय करार आणि भारतीय संविधान111 to 113download
25Rakesh kumar, Dr Krishnandan PrasadThe Study on Game Theory and its Application in Computing Problem114 to 117download
26Biji P AFormulation and Evaluation of Herbal Gel Containing Leaf Extract of Azadirachta Indica118 to 122download
27Anahita MathurSituating Adoption and Foster Care Practices in Indian Family Formation123 to 130download
28C. AngalaparameswariE - Waste Management, disposal challenges and Its Impacts on the Environment131 to 133download
29Suruchi KumariThe Crisis of Legitimacy in Urban India: Analysis of Non-State Actors in Decentralised Governance134 to 138download
30Swati SharmaPortraying A Diverse Nation: Arundhati Roy’s “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness”139 to 142download
31श्रीमती कांति सिंह कठेड़ जी 20 शिखर सम्मेलन 2023143 to 144download
32Geetha, C.JeevarathinamNatural adsorbents used to remove the Heavy metal Lead (II) from aqueous solution.145 to 150download
33Jayashree BankadmaniCustomer Satisfaction Study at Reliance Retail Store – Dharwad151 to 154download
34Dr. B. Raviivvenkat
Harish Y. S.
Turnitin-Plagiarism Software and its usage in National Institute of Engineering, Mysore-A Study155 to 162Download
35Dr. Baljit Kaur
Simranjit Kaur
Disparities in Decision-Making in Malwa Region of Punjab: Gender-wise Spatial Observations163 to178Download
36शिवानी गुप्ता
डॉ. शैलेन्द्र सिंह तोमर
ग्वालियर जिले से सड़क दुर्घटनाओं का स्थानिक कालिक विश्लेषण (2005-2020)179 to 185Download
37Dr. Neelam Jain, Nisha MittalUnderstanding Demographic Factors Shaping Investment Goals of Retail Investors186 to 195download
38अशोक दिलीप जायभायेमहात्मा फुले यांचे शेती सुधारणा विषयक विचार आणि सध्यकालीन शेतीसमस्या व राजकारण196 to 199download
39Dr. Tatipamul R. VConcentration Index Of Urban Population in Dharashiv District a Geograhical Analysis 200 to 202download
40Dr. Neelam Jain, Nisha MittalInvestor Decision making: An In-depth Analysis of Psychological Biases203 to 215download
41प्रतिभा शिवाजी गायकवाडमहाराष्ट्र राज्यातील कृषी पर्यटन केंद्राचा आर्थिक व सामाजिक अभ्यास विशेष संदर्भ पश्चिम महाराष्ट्र216 to 220 download
42Dr. Yogarajsingh R BaisNatural Resources and Provision under Indian Constitution.221 to 223download
43Dr. Dipali Suresh PatilWomen Empowerment through Powerloom Industry in Solapur District224 to 226download
44Dr. Dipak Vishwanath DokhaleStudy of Recruitment and Selection Procedure of Bosch ltd. Satpur, Nashik227 to 232download
45डॉ. अपर्णा राहूल उकलेबहुभाषावाद: राष्ट्रीय शैक्षणिक धोरण 2020233 to 237 download
46Mrs. M. Chithra, Dr V. AmbikaContemporary Shifts in Student Behavior Regarding Online Shopping238 to 242download
47Dr. Shobha. L"रामचरितमानस" - पाक्षिक अध्ययन243 to 244download
48राज कुमार प्रो. विनीत नारायण दुबेजनपद लखीमपुर खीरी में विभिन्न औद्योगिक इकाइयों का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन
245 to 250download
49Dr. Khaled A. Dweikat, Dr. Munther M. ZyoudStrategies used by in-service EFL teachers when teaching English for Palestine Curriculum Case Study of Teacher Education Improvement Project251 to 262download
50Dr. Manisha Kulkarni, Dr. Jayasri Murali Iyengar"Predictive Analysis of Employee Turnover Patterns: A Machine Learning Approach for Enhanced Retention Strategies" 263 to 266download
51Dr. Ramesh Reddy VDigital Banking Services and Customers’ Satisfaction (A Case Study of Tumkur District)267 to 270download
52Gopal BadigerBanking and its Type271 to 272download
53Mr. Somnath Navnath BorudeAdapting Literature to the Silver Screen: A Comparative Analysis of Narrative Techniques in Film Adaptations273 to 274download
54Hirok Jyoti RayInternational Organisations and Indigenous Peoples’ Issues: Rights over Land and Natural Resources275 to 278download
55Dr. Nagaraju R. CA Study on the Future of Digital Marketing in India279 to 282download
56Dr. Janhvi Srivastava, Aniket SonkarSocial Media and Youth: A Study of Uses and Impacts283 to 293download
57Dr. Yogesh Chandra Vishnoi, Kapil BishlaAn Overview of Electronic Payment Methods: A Step Towards the Digital Era294 to 298download
58Ms. Preeti SinghCyber Begging through Social Media: A New Trend in the World299 to 304download
59कु. राणी नवनाथराव पावडे,प्रा. डॉ. संभाजी भाऊराव काळेमहाराष्ट्रातील मराठवाडा प्रादेशिक विभागाच्या मानव विकास निर्देशांकाचा सापेक्ष स्तर305 to 308download
60कांचन माधव गिरीनिराश्रीतांचा आधार : प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना309 to 311download
61मनोज कुमार गुप्ता , प्रो. शोभा गौड़‘माध्यमिक स्तर पर अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थियों की व्यावसायिक अभिरुचि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन’312 to 319download
62श्री. लक्ष्मण बाजीराव बिटाळआत्मपर साहित्य संकल्पना व स्वरूप320 to 323download
63Asma Fatima Abdul Jabbar
Dr. Vineeta Basotia
An Investigation Into A Number Of Different Types Of Analytic Functions Involving The Jackson Q-Difference Operator324 to 329Download
64R. R. Tembhurne
V. S. Kamble
An Investigation Into A Number Of Different Types Of Analytic Diversity of Poisonous Mushroom from Kondi, (North Solapur) (MS), India330 to 334Download
65Chandra Prasad Khatiwada, Rajesh Dhungel, Sabat Rai, Nopu Ongay BhutiaReview article for God Particle and LHC Experiment335 to 354Download
66Chandra Prasad Khatiwada, Rajesh Dhungel, Sabat Rai, Nopu Ongay BhutiaReview article for God Particle355 to 369Download
67Mrs. Gauri Tushar Ranpise, Dr. Nitin Ade
Navigating the Pathways of Mobility: An Overview of Transportation Trends and Challenges
370 to 376Download
68Dr. Neeta Bhagwan KambleWomen Entrepreneurship in India: Problems and Prospects377 to 381Download
69श्री. अधिकराव हिंदूराव निकममहाराष्ट्रातील राजकारणात चव्हाण घराण्याचा प्रवास382 to 387Download
70Dr. Rani MathewSignificance Of English Language Communication Skills In Global Job Market388 to 399Download
71Sumathi RajkumarCloud-Based Testing Frameworks For Distributed Systems400 to 410Download
72Dr. Lipika MandalAn Unfortunate Journey of Conversion from Widowhood to Beggars: A Theoretical Review of Holy Temple Town, Nabadwip, Nadia, West Bengal411 to 415Download
73Dr. Sambhaji Shinde,
Dr. Shubhangi S. Kale
Urban Development and Changing Land Use in Kolhapur City:
A Comprehensive Analysis
416 to 421Download
74Dr. Dhananjay Dheeraj, Rima KumariInvestigating the Role of Community Engagement in Mitigating Enrollment Retention, And Level of Achievement Issues in Elementary School Students of Gaya District in Bihar422 to 431Download
75Dr. Shivanand Chinnappavar, Dr. Sawant Sushant Anil, Sasi MLand Surface Temperature Retrieval from LANDSAT 8 data using Emissivity Estimation: A case study of Bengaluru Urban432 to 437Download
76श्री पांडुरंग पंडीत पाटीललोकप्रशासनातील नविन पैलू: प्रशासनातील नैतिकता438 to 440Download
77श्री पांडुरंग पंडीत पाटीलबिगर शासकीय संघटनाची भूमिका441-442Download
78अमित अशोक पाटीलस्वातंत्र्यवीर विनायक दामोदर सावरकर यांच्या कार्याचा सविस्तर आढावा443 to 445Download
79Vishakha Vishwas PatilThe Rural Local Government in India: Structure, Functioning and Citizen Empowerment446 to 448Download
80डॉ. सचिन दत्तात्रय भोसलेराजर्षी शाहू छत्रपती: बहुजन समावेशनाचे राजकारण 449 to 462Download
81S. D. KambleImpact Of Wakurde Irrigation Project On Agriculture: A Geographical Analysis463 to 468Download
82विवेक तात्यासाहेब जेवेहवामान बदलामुळे शेतीतील समस्या आणि पिक रचनेमध्ये झालेला बदल469 to 473Download

Vol. 11 No. 2

 November – December  2023


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover PageDownload
1Dr. C. SubathraThe Impact of Teacher's Professional Dress Code on Student Academic Achievement and Learning Environment: Perceptions and Implications1 to 5Download
2A. S. DurwinCyber Attack Awareness among School Students6 to 11 Download
3 डॉ. रमेश प्रसाद कोलकारगिल युद्ध का रणनीतिक विश्लेषण12 to 15Download
4 अमर नाथ सिंह, डॉ. कमलिनी श्रीवास्तवगोरखपुर जनपद में विकासखंडवार भूमि उपायोग का विष्लेषाणात्मक अध्ययन16 to 21 Download
5ડો. મનહરભાઈ ચરપોટપીઠોરા આદિવાસી સંસ્કૃતિનો અમૂલ્ય વારસો22 to 24Download
6ડૉ. રાજેન્દ્ર કે. મકવાણા‘કાચું કપાયું’ - વાર્તામાં નિરૂપાયેલું નગરજીવન25 to 26Download
7ડૉ. રાજેન્દ્ર કે. મકવાણાગુજરાતી ટૂંકીવાર્તામાં બદલાતા સ્થિત્યંતરો27 to 31Download
8Prof. Aniruddha Sanjay DalviVocal Classical Mehfil: Preserving Musical Heritage32 to 35Download
9Dr. Subhash DhuleDOAJ Indexed Open Access Social Science Journals: An Evaluative Study36 to 41Download
10Dr. Anil Vijay ShitoleChallenges and Opportunities of India’s Economy42 to 48Download
11Dr. Prashant Tanaji Nargude
Dr. Tulshidas Baliram Rokade
Industrial Profile Of The Konkan Region And Socio-Political Perspectives: A Critical Review49 to 57Download
12P. U. Chopade, G. C. Done, K. L. BondarExistence and Uniqueness of Solution of Fractional Differential Equation in Cone Metric Spaces58 to 60Download
13M. Amareshwara ReddyPredicting Glucose Levels in Blood Using Deep Ensemble Learning Approach61 to 67Download
14Mr. Aakash N. Joshi“A Theoretical Exploration of Cloud Accounting Paradigms and Transformative Potentials"68 to 72Download
15Ku. Rajani Suresh Kalode, Dr. Mahesh Chandrbhan Dabre“Role of Prime Minister's Scheme Implemented Through Nationalize Banks in Akola District”73 to 76Download
16Dr. Umang Mittal , Saloni GargInnovation in Business Management: A Critical Examination of Small Business Success77 to 81Download
17Basavaraj Hatti, Mahesh Babu N, Laishram Ibomcha SinghAn Assessment of Environmental Monitoring in Sandur Schist Belts of Iron Ore Mines Area using Geoinformatics Techniques82 to 87Download
18Asha Bhati.Gender studies with reference to Shashi Despande's novels88 to 90Download
19Dr. Dilip Pipara, Dr. Anita JainGandhi's Economic Policy: Navigating a Path of Self-Sufficiency and Socioeconomic Justice91 to 94Download
20Dr. Dilip Pipara, Shreyansh jainRevolutionizing Education: The Impact of AI95 to 98Download
21Sanjeevni RaiPhysics assignment on “Heavy metal toxicity”99 to 108Download
22Dr. Manohar Ramulu KondagurleAI and ML in Libraries: A Systematic Review of Applications and Solutions109 to 116Download
23Dr. Preeti Shukla, Dr. Tripti SaxenaA Study on Consumer's Buying Behavior Based on Customers' Online Reviews117 to 121Download
24Dr. Prakash SolankiPhytochemical Screening by FTIR Spectroscopic analysis of Tinospora cordifolia plant Extract122 to 125Download
25डॉ. निलेश गोकुळ शेरेडॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचे कृषी विषयक विचार126 to 128Download
26Dr. Sarita R. VishwakarmaAdolescence Health& Stress129 to 132Download
27Adolescence Health& Stress133 to 139Download
28Nagaraj NaragundaRefugee Crisis, the Politics of Migration and Its implications on the Nature of European borders140 to 146Download
29Dr. Chanchal ShivhareThe Effect on Increasing Customer Satisfaction with Paytm and BHIM Electronic Payments Systems in India147 to 150Download
30Dr. Jayakumar M., Jagannadhan C.Effect of an 8-Week Resistance Band Circuit Training Programme on Agility of Women Amateur Handball Players151 to 153Download
31डॉ. शकुंतला मिठाराम भारंबेआशा बगे यांची कथा154 to 157Download
32Sarthak BhatiaProblematising the Value of Prosumer data in Digital Advertising158 to 162Download
33Dr. Mehraj Banu A, Hamida Banu K.Assessment of Financial Performance Ananlysis of Tata Motors PVT Limited163 to 166Download
34डॉ. रमेश प्रसाद कोलउच्च शिक्षा के विशेष संदर्भ में राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 की एक महत्तवपूर्ण अंतदृष्टि167 to 170Download
35डॉ. रमेश प्रसाद कोलराष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 और व्यावसायिक शिक्षा171 to 174Download
36कु. प्रतिभा, प्रो. जगमीत सिंह बावाप्राचीन भारत में लोकतंत्र: संस्कृत साहित्य में लोकतंत्रिक प्रवृत्तियों का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन175 to 179Download
37प्रा. प्रभुदास खाबडेडॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांचे लोकशाही आणि धर्मविषय चिंतन180 to 182Download
38पाटील चंद्रकांत श्रीपतीऔंध संस्थानची राज्यघटना आणि साक्षरता चळवळ183 to 184Download
39Dr. Neeta Bhagwan KambleA Study of Internet Marketing In India: Challenges and Opportunities185 to 187Download
40Mr. Ragunatha R.
Dr. Shabana Anjum
A Review On Integrated Awareness Programme On The Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices Regarding Nosocomial Infection Control Measures Among Healthcare Personnel At Tertiary Care Hospitals188 to 206Download
41प्रा. डॉ. डी. डी. भोसले
आकांक्षा दीपक भोरे
दिवाळीनिमित्त मुख्यमंत्र्यांची भेट आनंदाचा शिधा एक अभ्यास – विशेष संदर्भ : नांदेड जिल्हा207 to 211Download
42श्री. अच्युत जोगदंड
डॉ.प्रतिभा शंकर घाग-सोनी
मध्ययुगीन संत साहित्यातील संशोधनाच्या नव्या दिशा212 to 225Download
43श्री.रामदास माधवराज भालेराव
डॉ.प्रतिभा शंकर घाग-सोनी
मराठी ग्रामीण कादंबरी आणि जागतिकीकरण226 to 233Download
44Dr. Rani MathewInfluence Of English Language Media On Modern Indian Society234 to 245Download
45प्रा. डॉ. डी. डी. भोसले, विश्वनाथ बाजीराव कदमभारतातील शेती समोरील आव्हाने आणि भविष्यातील शेती क्षेत्रातील संधी236 to 238Download
46Rovina Sharon Soans, Dr. Sheker NaikA Study ON Perception of Local Community towards Beach Tourism: With Reference To Dakshina Kannada District239 to 246Download
47Dr. Carolline David, Mrs. Bhavana. R. MulaniAn Exploratory Study: The Shopping Mall Emerging As Consumer Habitat247 to 250Download
48Dr. Sandip Shamrao PatilEffect of Plyometric Training on explosive strength of Beginner football players of Pune city251 to 253Download
49Ishfaq Majeed MalikMitigating Pesticide Exposure And Promoting Public Health Through Safer Food Production254 to 261Download
50Mandakini M. NihiteChild Labour in India: Frameworks to Protect Child Rights in India262 to 265Download
51Dr. Dange S.S. Geo-Chemical Study of Bore Well Water in Latur Tehsil, Maharashtra266 to 269Download
52Poojaa Singh Chauhan
Dr. Mahesh Singh Rajput
A Study And The Brief Discussion On Indian FMCG Sector270 to 275Download
53अमित प्रकाश निकम, डॉ. रमेश धनराज जाधवमहात्मा गांधी व पुणे करार276 to 278Download
54Mr. Dhananjay Dattatray DeshmukhRole of Grampanchayat in Rural Development279 to 281Download
55Pushpa Vitthal Hirave Exploring The Impact Of Libraries On Cultural Preservation: A Research Study282 to 290Download
56डॉ. शिखा ममगाईभारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत में ख्याल गायकी और राग का महत्व: एक अध्ययन291 to 293Download
57Mr. Deepak R. NikaljeGrowth of MERS Literature294 to 296Download
58Komal JamnaniThe Flourishing Startup Ecosystem in India's Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities297 to 301Download
59श्री पांडुरंग पंडीत पाटील१५ वी ब्रिक्स शिखर परिषद आणि भारत302 to 304Download
60श्री पांडुरंग पंडीत पाटीलनागरी समाजाची भूमिका305 to 306Download
61Vishakha Vishwas PatilPolitical Thoughts of the Aristotle307 to 309Download
62Dr. A.C.Gejage., Smt. R.V.PatilStudy of Various Fishes Observed In Krishna River: Sangli-Miraj Cities310 to 312Download
63Sosila NarzaryCostumes of North East India (Special reference to Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Monipur and Nagaland)313 to 316Download
64Junmoni SaikiaRevisiting the American Dream: Arthur Miller's “Death of a Salesman” as a Modern Tragedy317 to 320Download
65डॉ. संतोष वसंत कोळेकरप्रवासी हिन्दी साहित्यकार तेजेन्द्र शर्मा और उनकी कहानियाँ321 to 325Download
66डॉ. शैलजा धोंडीराम गवळीज्योत्स्ना मिलन की कहानी विधा में चित्रित नारी विमर्श।326 to 328Download
67डॉ.वंदना सांडूराव पाटीलसंत तुकारामांच्या अभंगातील विविधता329 to 332Download
68Mr. Chandrashekhar KhairnarUnderstanding Digital Equity and its Aspects333 to 335Download
69Yamini Yadav, U.K.Shrivastava, C. S. RathoreDegree of Approximation of Function in the Ho ̈lder Metric by Matrix – Cesaro Summability Method336-341Download
70डॉ. केशव माधवराव मोरेहबीब तनवीर के नाटकों में अभिव्यक्त बाल संवेदना342-344Download

Vol. 11 No. 3

 January – February 2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover PageDownload
1Dr. Rani MathewA Study On The Role Of Globalization In Shaping English Language Education1 to 10Download
2Mrs. M. Bama, Dr. S. ThangamaniGreen Marketing Stratgies and Its Effect on Business Performance11 to 14Download
3Mr. Georgin M T, Ms. Dr. Sabiha A. FarasIntertwining Politics and Culture: Implied Motifs in the Artifacts of Alistair Maclean15 to 17Download
4श्रीमती कांति सिंह काठेडसाइबर बुलिंग : एक साइबर अपराध18 to 19Download
5डॉ. शीला सालवीमाध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों की शैक्षणिक स्थिति का अध्ययन करना20 to 21Download
6आढाव रविंद्र पंडित, डॉ. हिरामण एम. क्षिरसागर“भारतीय श्रमिक महिलांची स्थिती : एक चिकित्सक अभ्यास”22 to 28 Download
7Hasina AgasimaniTechnology's Place in Higher Education29 to 32Download
8डॉ. किशोर नागनाथ जोगदंडउपेक्षिताचे नायक : रघुनाथ नामदेव राऊळ उर्फ भाई राऊळ33 to 36Download
9Surendra KumarImpact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Indian Agriculture: A Comprehensive Research Analysis37 to 42Download
10Sanjay KumarUnveiling the Evolving Dynamics: Exploring the Transformative Relationship between Libraries and Users43 to 44Download
11Dr. Ishfaq Majeed MalikThe Human Health Impacts Of Pesticides: Understanding Exposure, Risks, And Long-Term Effects45 to 55Download
12Sushil Kumar Singh, Prof. Hemant SharmaPerspectives of Information Literacy and Awareness among Students in Higher Education56 to 59Download
13Dr. Ravi Subhashrao SatbhaiIndia Mother of Democracy60 to 63Download
14Dr. Prakash SolankiPhytochemical Screening by FTIR Spectroscopic analysis of Bacopa Monnier plant Extract64 to 68Download
15Dr. Jyoti UikeyRole of Plant Extract (Tulsi) In Biological Control of Mosquitoes69 to 74Download
16Dr. Bhavana RamaiyaImpact of Child -Parent Relationship on Children Personality in Present Scenario75 to 81Download
17Dr. Y. G. ThakreWater Purification techniques for household purposes82 to 84Download
18मुकेश कुमार प्रजापतिईरान में चीन का प्रभाव एवं भारतीय हितों को चुनौती85 to 88Download
19डॉ. रमेश प्रसाद कोलआदिवासी समाज में सामाजिक परिवर्तन एवं विकास के विविध पक्षों का मूल्यांकन89 to 93Download
20Dr. Gyani Devi Guptaज्ञानरंजन की कहानियों में शहरी जीवन:94 to 97Download
21डॉ. गोरखनाथ वाकळे, गणेश मच्छिंद्र चोरमहात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार हमी योजनेंतर्गत भटक्या विमुक्त जाती जमातीच्या आर्थिक व सामाजिक स्थितीचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास ( विषय संदर्भ - पश्चिम महाराष्ट्र) 98 to 102Download
22Dr. Gita ChauhanThe Impact of Digital Parenting Styles on Child Development: Exploring Technological Mediation in Contemporary Families103 to 106Download
23आकाश दिपआत्मनिर्भर भारतीय समाज में महिलाओं का योगदान107 to 109Download
24Abhishek Kumar Sharma, Sahiba, MD. JimmyThe Skilling Youth for Nation Building: A Study of Jamalpur City: District of Munger110 to 113Download
25Sadhana AgrawalBrighter Minds Training-Innovation in Education114 to 118Download
26डॉ. रमेश प्रसाद कोलजनजाति महिलाओं की पंचायत में भागीदारी- एक अध्ययन119 to 122Download
27Satabdi GoswamiJob Satisfaction among Secondary School Teachers123 to 125Download
28Dr. Hitesh N. Jagani, Hetalkumari M. MakwanaIssue Relating to Agate Industry126 to 130Download
29श्रीमती. विद्या भिका थोरात, प्रो. डॉ.सुहास आव्हाडपरकीय कर्जाबाबतचे सैदांतिक दृष्टिकोन आणि सद्यस्थितीतील कर्जाबाबतचा आढावा131 to 135Download
30Sheeba Arun Tode, Dr. Gurpreet KaurFraming English Language Syllabus for Urban and Semi- Urban Agriculture Students136 to 138Download
31Shaikh Javeria Firdous
Dr. Anu Kaushik
Simplifying Treatment Approaches For Antidepressants: Proposing A Revised Classification System139 to 146Download
32Nishi Jain
Dr. Aman Gupta
Assessing The Impact Of Evolving Insolvency And Bankruptcy Laws On Industry Dynamics147 to 156Download
33Sumathi RajkumarEnhancing Reliability In Distributed Systems Through Cloud Computing157 to 168Download
34Vinda Suhas Gadekar
Dr. Vaishali U Bhakt
Dr. Carlos M. Fernandes
Evolution of Institutional Repositories and Their Influence on Organizational Outcomes169 to 178Download
35Dashrath Singh Sisodia, Yadram SinghMastering Library Operations: A Deep Dive into Optimizing Book Issue and Return Efficiency179 to 182Download
36Dr. Sameeksha SharmaShashi Deshpande's Female Protagonists: An Analysis of the Urban Indian Psyche183 to 187Download
37Dr. R. Selvaraj, T. Sriramajeya, S. MahalakshmiA study on customer’s satisfaction towards oppo mobiles with special reference to Kovilpatti Taluk188 to 190Download
38Dr. RoopaA Comparative Study of Social Influence on Sports in India in Ancient and Modern Era191 to 193Download
39Sushil Kumar Singh, Yadram SinghA Journey through the Digital Frontier: The Changing Landscape of Library Digital Services194 to 196Download
40Sushil Kumar Singh, Yadram SinghExploring the Significance of Periodicals in Library Science197 to 199Download
41Sameeksha SharmaExamining the Intersection of Modernism and Sexual orientation in Manju Kapur's Writings200 to 204Download
42Dr. Sarita KumariRole of Social Media in Healthcare and Nutrition205 to 208Download
43डॉ. देवेन्द्र कुमार बघेलडॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर का जीवन परिचय209 to 215Download
44Aditi Rawat, Dr. Prashant KandariExploring Workers’ Motivation to Participate in Gig Economy: A Case Study of Platform Drivers of New Delhi216 to 222Download
45Swati Satish Mane
Dr. Suprita
Dr. Prakash Arun Bansode
Chromatographic, Spectroscopic And Etectroanalytical Analysis Of Extracts Of Indian Tea Samples223 to 235Download
46Vinoth BalasubramanianExploring Leadership Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Practices in Private and Government Secondary Schools236 to 250Download
47डॉ. अभय पाटील नाणेघाट व पांडव लेणी प्राचीन कोरीव लेख251 to 256Download
48Ms. Rajni Chauhan
Mohd Akhlak Hussain
A Comparative Analysis of HR Strategies and Their Impact on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Mankind and Sun Pharma Ltd.257 to 266Download
49Madhukar Togam Chandrashekhar KhairnarResearch Productivity of College of Engineering Technological University Pune, India: A Scientometric Study267 to 278Download
50Ms. Trupti Shivram Shetty
Dr. Indu Singh
Impact of Digitalization in Logistics Industry: A Case Study of Metropolitan Cities in Maharashtra279 to 295Download
51Dr. Lipika MandalA review of religious tourism development: A study with special reference to Rash Mela / Rash Yatra of Nabadwip Town of Nadia District, West Bengal296 to 298Download
52Dr. Sambhaji Shinde,
DR. H. B. Tipe,
Santosh P. Mane
Agricultural Economic Growth, Productivity and Environment: A Case Study of Maharashtra299 to 304Download
53अमित अशोक पाटीलमहात्मा जोतिराव फुले यांची ग्रंथसंपदा305 to 306Download
54Dr. Namrata Suresh AlhatA Study of the Use of Proverbs as a Literary Device in Jokha Alharthi’s “Celestial Bodies”307 to 309Download
55Vijay Ramesh Garge, Dr. Rahul Anant KulkarniA Systematic Study of Human Resources Efficiency, e-Readiness, and Frequency of using e-Governance in Education at Rural and Urban Areas with Special Reference to Jalgaon District, Maharashtra.310 to 315Download
56Mr. C. Manivannan
Dr. M. S. Vinsi
A Comprehensive Review of Adolescent Tobacco Use: Insights from Recent and Historical Studies316 to 329Download
57श्री पांडुरंग पंडीत पाटीलसुशासन330 to 331Download
58Mr. Chandanshive Aniket Dattu, Shahaji S. ChandanshiveComparision of Eye Lens Protein of Two Different Species of Fish332 to 336Download
59Mane B. U, Kamble V.
Serum Biochemical Response to Mosquito Repellent Exposure in Rattus rattus337 to 340Download
60ऐश्वर्या नामदेव बल्लाळकर्मवीर भाऊराव पाटील यांचे शैक्षणिक कार्य341 to 344Download
61ऐश्वर्या नामदेव बल्लाळमहात्मा फुले यांचे शैक्षणिक व सामाजिक कार्य345 to 347Download
62Dr. Seema Nikalje Ghanghav Vijay RamnathMedical Facilities In Marathwada And Their Utilization348 to 353Download
63Dr. B. S. Pimpale
Thorat Rameshwar Mahadev
Impact Of Globalization On Higher Education354 to 358Download
64डॉ. कीर्तीकर वाल्मीक भीमरावमहाराष्ट्रातील दिव्यांगांचे उच्च शिक्षण आणि सर्वंकष सबलीकरणातील समस्या व उपायोजना359 to 363Download
65Ramdas S JamnukeMahatma Jyotirao Phule’s Thoughts on Farmer’s Poverty and Its Contemporary Relevance in Maharashtra: A Critical Analysis364 to 366Download

Vol. 11 No. 4

 March – April 2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover PageDownload
1Dr. Sanjay Shamrao KambleUnderstanding Disability in Public Sphere: A Sociological Perspective1 to 8Download
2Dr. Bharat Shankar Kharat
Dr. M. A. Dixit
Empowering Farmers: Contemporary Challenges through Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies9 to 14Download
3Mr. Prithviraj Rajendra KadamRole of Humanities in Indian Society: Contemporary Issues and Challenges15 to 18Download
4Mrs. Urmila Rajendra KadamEmerging Trends in Higher Education in India19 to 22Download
5Smt. Sheela B. Mohite Dr. Savita Vitthalrao BhosaleChallenges of Infrastructure and Development in Sports23 to 27Download
6Dr. Veena Kamble
Ravindra R Mangale
Use of Social Media In Academic Libraries28 to 34Download
7M. SowmiyaUnveiling Socio – Economic Disparities In Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger35 to 38Download
8Prof. Smt. Gosavi Jijabai SahebraoNomadic Tribe Problems & Challenges39 to 43Download
9प्रा. डॉ. अण्णासाहेब गणपती हरदारेई- शासन प्रणाली44 to 48Download
10प्रा. सुलोचना रमेश दंतरावआदिवासी मराठी साहित्यातील परिवर्तनाची नवी दिशा49 to 52Download
11डॉ अमितकुमार शंकरराव गागरेभारतीय समाजातील शाळाबाह्य मुले समस्या, कारणे व उपाय53 to 58Download
12डॉ. गीता परमारनिर्वनीकरण आज के युग की एक वैश्विक समस्या और पेड़ की पुकार कविता से जनजागृती59 to 62Download
13डॉ. सुरेश नामदेव दांडगेगोपाळ गणेश आगरकरांचे सामाजिक सुधारणेसाठी कायद्याच्या आवश्यकतेविषयी विचार63 to 69Download
14प्रा.डॉ. संभाजी संतोष पाटीलभारतीय संविधानाचा सरनामा : एक विश्लेषणात्मक अभ्यास70 to 77Download
15डॉ. विकास पाटील ‘विकिरण’संकीर्ण मानसिकता द्वारा सृजित जातीयता78 to 82Download
16डॉ. विठ्ठल नामदेव रोटेस्त्रियांच्या कथेतील पुरूषी मानसिकतेचे चित्रण83 to 87Download
17शहिदा नजीर अत्तारजनसंचार माध्यमों में हिंदी88 to 93Download
18डॉ. दिनकर संतुकराव कळंबेभारतीय लोकशाही समोरील आव्हाने94 to 97Download
19डॉ. रेखा काशिनाथ पसालेसमकालीन मराठी साहित्याचे माध्यमांतर98 to 103Download
20डॉ. उमेश बाळासाहेब शिंदेलिंगभाव आधारित पितृस्ताकता: “कोकणा आदिवासी महिलांचे व्यष्टी अध्ययन”104 to 109Download
21डॉ. प्रविण अरुण पोवारप्रबळ विरोधी पक्षाचा अभाव : भारतीय लोकशाहीसमोरील मोठे आव्हान110 to 113Download
22प्रा. डॉ. बालाजी लक्ष्मणराव शिंदेभारतीय समाजातील सोशल मीडियाची भूमिका आणि उपाय114 to 118Download
23डॉ कपिल बाबुराव लामतुरेलोकशाही आणि अभिव्यक्ती स्वातंत्र्य119 to 122Download
24Miss. Chivate N. A.Study Of Farmers In Walawa And Shirala Taluka Of Sangli District123 to 127Download
25डॉ श्रीहरी चव्हाणजागतिकरण आणि समकालीन मराठी साहित्य128 to 131Download
26डॉ. डी. जे. दमामेसमकालीन भारतीय समाजावर जागतिकीकरणाचा झालेला परिणाम132 to 138Download
27Mr. Suryakant Anurath Giri A Study of Gender Inequality139 to 146Download
28Mr. Mahadev Balu Chavan
Dr. Vijay D.Gaikwad
Indicators Of Economic Development Of The Lohar Community In Phaltan Tahsil : A Theoretical Approach147 to 151Download
29Dr. Smt. Sindhu Parasram KhandarePopulation Growth of Parbhani District152 to 155Download
30Prof. Suresh V. IngaleAgriculture and Sustainable Development in India156 to 162Download
31Ashok L. PathadeApplication of Open Source Software in Libraries163 to 169Download
32Amol Laxman ShindeCareer Opportunities in Indian Banking Industry170 to 174Download
33Sonal G. Chavan Dr. Meena KuteA Study On The Metacognitive Language Learning Strategies Among Secondary School Students175 to 181Download
34Radha Ramesh GosaviCultural and Identity conflicts in Helen Oyeyemi’s ‘The Opposite House’182 to 185Download
35Mr. Abhijit Mohanrao Patil
Dr. Ravikumar Jani
Digital Libraries Initiatives in Western India: A New Era186 to 191Download
36Shri. B. M. SankpalDigital Marketing: Nature, Scope and Challenges192 to 196Download
37Prof (Dr.) Shivaji Ramchandra Pawar
Namrata Nikhil Pawar
Awareness of Disaster: A Way to Nation Building197 to 203Download
38Dr. Dhanashree Sham DeshpandeA Study of Disaster Management: Its Prevention and Mitigation204 to 206Download
39Mrs. Vaishali Dinesh Patil
Dr. Revanand Ramrao Patil
The Impact of Social Media on Social well-beingness of Adolescence207 to 211Download
40Dr. Sawan M. DeshmukhUrban Population Structure in Amravati City of Amravati District (Maharashtra State)212 to 216Download
41Dr. Vijay Santu PatoleInfluence of Contemporary issues on Women Education: Measures for Promoting Women’s Education217 to 224Download
42Dr. Patil Amol AshokkumarA Sociological Analysis of Marital Values of Educated Women225 to 229Download
43Dr. Patil Pushpa GovindraoExploring Contemporary Issues in Shobha De's Novels: A Critical Analysis230 to 233Download
44Dr. Ram N. NaikA Study on Employability through Internship and Apprenticeship as per NEP-2020 Curriculum234 to 242Download
45Rudreshappa Basappa Shivpulji
Dr. Kailas Shivharrao Palne
Effect of Functional Training on Sangli Districts School Students on their Health Related Physical Fitness243 to 247Download
46Dr. Ramesh H. PatilProblems of Elderly People in India and Challenges Facing the Society248 to 256Download
47Dr. Pranjali Bhanudas VidyasagarRole and Impact of Social Media on Literature257 to 261Download
48Dr. Sudhir Nagarkar Rekha Sandeep KaleInternet of Things and Modern Library262 to 266Download
49Prof. Subhash ChavareGeographical Analysis of Rainfall and Irrigation Status in Sangli District267 to 270Download
50Sitaram B. Ingole
Pandurang D. Yadav
Ichthyofaunal Diversity And Socio-Economic Condition Of Fresh Water Reservoir On Sindphana River In Maharashtra State, India271 to 276Download
51Dr. Amar lahu PowarGlobalization and Indian English Literature277 to 280Download
52Prof. Jyoti Vishal LengareThe Types of Meditation its useful on the Specific Sports Skills281 to 286Download
53Prof. (Dr.) S. G. Salve
Dr. Miss S. S. Thorat
Dr. A. S. Kadam
Impact On Dairy Industry In Covid-19 Pandamics: A Case Study Of Rajarambapu Cooperative Doodh Sangh Islampur287 to 291Download
54Smt Sunita Jayant ShindeManagement and Marketing of Academic Library Services in Digital Era.292 to 296Download
55Dr. Savita Madhavrao GireTo Study of Unemployment in India297 to 299Download
56Dattatray B. Shinde
Dr. Sangita V. Dhandhar
Open Access E-Resources and Services in India: An Overview300 to 304Download
57Dr. Zunjarrao S. KadamOccupational Stress And Psychological Wellbeing Among Nurses Working In Government Hospitals305 to 312Download
58Mrs. Salma Mubarak Attar
Prof (Dr) Suresh G. Salve
A Study On Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana In Malkapur Town Of Karad Tehasil In Satara District313 to 317Download
59Mrs. Savita Pravin SutarRepresentation of A Strained Relationship and It’s Effect In B. A. Paris’s Behind Closed Doors318 to 321Download
60Prof. Dr. Rakshase Siddharth GunajiChallenges to Indian Democracy322 to 324Download
61Mr. Maruti Sambhaji Wagh
Prof. Dr. S. R. Pawar
A Study On Preference And Expectations Of Livestock Traders: A Case Study Of Agriculture Produce Market Committee, Lonand325 to 331Download
62Prof. Patil Rekhatai ShankarImpact of Social Media on English Language Learning332 to 336Download
63Dr. Vijay Padalkar
Mr.Ranjeet Kumbhar
Tamasha in Yatra’s of Southern Maharashtra: Exploring Cultural Expressions337 to 343Download
64Ms. Rekha P. PhalkeDisplacement and Migration in Khushwant Singh’s Train To Pakistan344 to 347Download
65Abhijit Abaso PatilSave Panchganga River Campaign: A Sociological Study348 to 351Download
66Dr. Amit Maruti BamaneSocio-economic Marginalization in Chinua Achebe’s Short Story ‘The Voter’352 to 356Download
67Mr. Harshwardhan S. Kulkarni
Ms. Priyanka S. Kulkarni
Statistical Analysis of Impact of E-Waste on Climate Change357 to 359Download
68Dr. Bhandare Dinesh JagannathA Study of Level of Noise Pollution in Silence Zones of Peth Vadgaon in Kolhapur District (M.S.)360 to 366Download
69Prof. Ajit Kalgonda PatilYoga Meditation and Health: A Study367 to 371Download
70Patil Jayshri GanpatiIntertextuality: A Postmodern trend in English Literature372 to 375Download
71Dr. P. C. GangurdeA Study of Rural Population Served By the Primary Agricultural Societies in the Nashik District376 to 383Download
72Dr. Sumita ThoratEconomical Analysis Of Dairy Industry: A Case Study Of Koyana Sahakari Doodh Sangh Khodashi.384 to 391Download
73Dr. Ganesh Vishnu LokhandeInfluence Of Personality Pattern On Marital And Family Satisfaction Of Adults392 to 401Download
74Dr. Tejpal Tukaram JagtapUse of technology in various sectors of mental health and psychology402 to 404Download
75Dr. Vishal Subhash PawarStudy Of Job Satisfaction Among The Teachers Of Physical Education405 to 413Download
76Dr. Anil KateNew Changing Trends In Education: Challenges And Remedies414 to 419Download
77Kuldeep Dileep Mete Dr. A. D. Gade Vaishnavi S. Patil
Amruta K. Hegaje
Sayali T. Murlidhar
Governmental Asset Mapping Using GIS – A Case Study Of Kasaba Sangaon Village Of Kagal Taluka, Kolhapur, Maharashtra420 to 427Download
78Mr. Nagnath Mahadev ChobeHuman Rights And Indian Constitution428 to 431Download
79Dr. Smt. Sunita M. Chavan Smt.P.M.GhadgeImpacts Of Flood: A Geographical Study Of Karad Tehsil Of Satara District (Maharashtra)432 to 435Download
80Dr. Pradeep Mohan KambleElectoral System In India And Thoughts Of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar436 to 443Download
81Dr. Vasant K. MoreThe Impact of Digitalisation on Rural Communities in India444 to 450Download
82Dr. S. K. ManeChanging general land-use pattern in Command area of Krishna-Koyana Lift irrigation Project in Sangli District of Maharashtra451 to 457Download
83Dr. Popatrao Ramchandra MaliHeritage Tourism In Sindhurga District – Scope And Challanges458 to 461Download
84Ms. Rohini Dhondiram WaghamareUnveiling The Kitchen: Patriarchy And Liberation In 'The Great Indian Kitchen'462 to 467Download
85Nilesh Ramchandra Mandle Dr. K. R. JadhavA Comparative Study Of Population Characteristics Of Tembhu Lift Irrigation Project Command Area Of Sangli District: Year 2001 & 2011468 to 474Download
86Mr. Ramesh Shivappa Kattimani Dr. Bajrang A. MetilEffect Of Media Violence On Social Values And Aggression Among Youth475 to 479Download
87Mrs. Sawant Anita Sangram
Prin. Dr. Arun Bhagwan Patil
Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Dairy Farmers Economic Condition Of Sangli District (Maharashtra): A Geographical Analysis480 to 484Download
88Dr. Fakir Shoukat ZumbarbhaiWind Energy Resources For Rural Development In Ahmednagar District485 to 487Download
89Shri. Balasaheb Mirje
Prof. Dr. Jadhav Pravin Prabhakar
The Use Of Art, Film, And Theater To Raise Awareness About Corruption In India488 to 492Download
90Mr. Rajendra Ashok PradhanThe Role Of Thriller Fiction In Contemporary Indian Society: A Study In Context With Ashwin Sanghi's Novels493 to 497Download
91Dr. Hemant R. SawantRole Of Primary Co-Operative Milk Societies In Dairy Industries Of Walwa Tahsil Of Sangli Didtrict, Maharashtra498 to 509Download
92Dr. Sudhakar K. MateSocial Justice & Economics510 to 513Download
93Ms. Supriya M. WadarSeeking Security To Life : A Sociological Analysis514 to 516Download
94Mrs.Susmita M. WalakeDigital Libraries : Functionality, Usability & Accessibility517 to 522Download
95Dr. Raj ChavanThe Family: Changing Trends In Modern Society523 to 528Download
96Mr. Amit Bhagavan Sarate
Dr. Adinath Dnyandeo Gade
Levels Of Educational Development In Kolhapur District: A Geographical Study529 to 535Download
97Mr. Vinod Gaikwad
Dr. S. G. Salve
Spatial Distribution Of Population In Shirala Tahsil Of Sangli District536 to 539Download
98कविता अशोक मोराडेशाश्वत विकास आणि पर्यावरणाचा समाज जीवनावरील परिणाम540 to 543Download
99अजित मारुती शेळके
डॉ. रोहित विजय पाटील
निवडक शारीरिक क्षमता घटकांचा कबड्डीतील ‘पायाच्या पंजाने स्पर्श करणे’ या कौशल्यावर होणारा परिणामाचा अभ्यास544 to 549Download
100डॉ. जयश्री सदाशिव चव्हाणहवामान बदलाचा शेती क्षेत्रावर झालेला परिणाम550 to 554Download
101डॉ.नामदेव रघुनाथ गवळीराजकारणाचे गुन्हेगारीकरण555 to 564Download
102अनुराधा दिलीप माळीयमदीप उपन्यास में चित्रित किन्नर जीवन565 to 569Download
103प्रा. डॉ. ओलेकर प्रमोदकुमार अंकुशइतिहासलेखनातील नवीन प्रवाह570 to 576Download
104डॉ.घनशाम बाळू कांबळेस्पर्धापरिक्षा करणाऱ्या आणि व्यवसायीक शिक्षण घेणाऱ्या मुला-मूलींमधील शैक्षणिक स्व-संकल्पना आणि नियंत्रण केंद्र यांचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास577 to 585Download
105श्री. रणजित अशोक मोरेकुटुंबव्यवस्थेसमोरील आव्हाने आणि विवाह संबंधित समस्यांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास586 to 591Download
106सुशांत तांदळे
डॉ.सचिन हुदले
कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील पशुधन विकास : एक चिकित्सक अभ्यास592 to 598Download
107डॉ. जितेंद्र शामसिंग गिरासेसमाजमाध्यम आणि मराठी भाषा599 to 603Download
108श्री. अखिलेश विश्वासराव शिंदेहवामानातील बदलांचे दीर्घकालीन परिणाम604 to 609Download
109डॉ. शिंदे भागवत आसारामसमकालीन भारतीय समाजासमोरील समस्या व आव्हाने610 to 613Download
110प्रा. ए. बी. मोहितेबहुसांस्कृतिकतावाद: मानवी समाजाची कालातीत गरज614 to 620Download
111डॉ. अरुण शिंदे
डॉ. विवेक कोतेकर
विवेकानंदांच्या तत्वज्ञानाची आजच्या सामाजिक जीवनात उपयोगिता621 to 626Download
112डॉ. अरूणा पाटीलधुळे खजिना लुट : सांगली जिल्हयातील क्रांतीकारकांचे योगदान627 to 634Download
113प्रा. किरण चंद्रशेखर कानडेकुटुंब व विवाह संस्थेपुढील आव्हाने635 to 641Download
114प्रा. बी.जे कुकडे
प्रा. सौ. संगिता यशवंत पाटील
सामाजिक न्याय आणि आर्थिक विकास642 to 645Download
115महात्मे देवदत्त महादेवनिरोगी जीवनशैलीत योग आणि ध्यान यांचा आरोग्यावर होणारा परिणाम646 to 652Download
116भिमराव रामचंद्र भांदिगरे
डॉ. सुशांत मगदूम
फार्टलेक प्रशिक्षण व मध्यांतर प्रशिक्षणाचा खो-खो खेळाडूंच्या दमदारपणा या शारीरिक घटकावर होणाऱ्या परिणामाचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास653 to 657Download
117हर्षदा बबन चव्हाणकुसुमकुमार लिखित “दिल्ली उंचा सुनती है” नाटक में व्यक्त सामाजिक संवेदना658 to 662Download
118प्रा. पुनम सचिन काकडमहिला सक्षमीकरण आणि ग्रामीण महिलांची सामजिक स्थिती यांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास663 to 668Download
119Dr. Rajesh Vinayakrao DandgePower Dynamics In Manjula Padmanabhan's "Harvest"669 to 673Download
120डॉ.व्ही .के. घाटुर्लेआधुनिक समाजाच्या निर्मिती प्रक्रियेत महात्मा गांधींचे योगदान674 to 680Download
121डॉ प्रकाश बी. माणगावकरग्रामीण आणि शहरी भागातील कनिष्ठ महाविद्यालयीन विद्यार्थ्याचे मानसिक स्वास्थ आणि व्यक्तिमत्व यांचा अभ्यास681 to 687Download
122प्रा. ढोबळे गोविंद नागनाथरावनवीन शैक्षणिक धोरण-२०२० आणि डिजिटल शिक्षण688 to 694Download
123प्रा. पर्वत प्रदीप कांबळेकोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील कोविडशी सामना केलेल्या गृहिणी व नोकरी करणाऱ्या महिलांच्यातील भावनिक बुद्धिमत्तेचा अभ्यास695 to 703Download
124प्रा. कल्याणी हौसेराव नायकवडीब-बळीचा समकालीन कृषिसंस्कृतीची शोकान्त कथा704 to 708Download
125डॉ. मच्छिंद्र कुंभारसंजीव के उपन्यासों में चित्रित निम्नवर्गीय शोषण709 to 714Download
126कल्पना बळवंत पाटीलग्रामीण भागातील मागासवर्गीय व बिगर मागासवर्गीय विद्यार्थ्यांच्या समायोजन वंचितता या समस्यांचा अभ्यास715 to 721Download
127चेतन महावीर चौगुलेभारतीय राजकारण व तंत्रज्ञान722 to 725Download
128श्री. सुचय सुरेश खोपडे
डॉ. शरद व्ही. बनसोडे
टी –ट्वेन्टी क्रिकेट २०१६या स्पर्धेमध्ये रनींग बिटवीन द विकेटसाठी लुक इन लुक आउट व स्मॉल कर्व पद्धतींपैकी कोणत्या पद्धतीचा फलंदाजानी सर्वाधिक वापर केला याचा विश्लेषणात्मक अभ्यास726 to 730Download
129संकेत नालकर
डॉ. गोविंद कदम
शारीरिक उपक्रमातील पालकांच्या सहभागाद्वारे व प्रशिक्षणाद्वारे मुलांच्या शारीरिक उपक्रमाकडे पाहण्याचा पालकांचा दृष्टीकोन तपासणे731 to 741Download
130डॉ. शशिकांत भाऊसाहेब माळोदेनाशिक जिल्ह्यातील स्थलांतरित असंघटित कामगारांच्या समस्यांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास742 to 747Download
131केतकर स्वप्ना राजेंद्रवरिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील विवाहित आणि अविवाहित विद्यार्थिनींच्या अभिवृत्तीचा अभ्यास करणे748 to 753Download
132प्रा. सी. जे. भारसकळे
डॉ. सौ. एच.ए.चौगुले
औद्योगिक क्षेत्र आणि कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता754 to 760Download
133प्रा. डॉ. सचिन महादेव पाटीलमहाराष्ट्रातील आरक्षणाचा प्रश्न761 to 768Download
134किरण तुकाराम पाटीलसहभागात्मक लोकशाही आणि त्याचे वास्तव769 to 774Download
135डॉ शोभा एम्. पवारसमकालीन कहानियाँ:चुनौती एवं मानवीय भूमिका775 to 779Download
136प्रा. गंगाराम सर्जेराव चव्हाण
डॉ. व्ही. आर. राठोड
कृषी पर्यटन केंद्रातील शाश्वत विकास : आपलं गाव (बेलदरे)780 to 787Download
137डॉ. बालाजी दगाजी राऊतग्रामीण व शहरी भागातील विद्यार्थ्याच्या मानसिक स्वास्थ्य व आक्रमकतेचा अभ्यास788 to 791Download
138श्रीमती माधुरी परशुराम कांबळेजनसंचार माध्यम और हिंदी792 to 795Download
139डॉ. अर्जुन येरगेभारतीय लोकशाही समोरील आव्हाने796 to 803Download
140प्रा. संदिप माने
प्रा. डॉ. अनिल सत्रे
दक्षिण महाराष्ट्रातील महापूर व्यवस्थापनात कृष्णा भीमा स्थिरीकरण प्रकल्पाची भूमिका804 to 809Download
141दत्तात्रय विठ्ठल गांगोडेनाशिक जिल्ह्यातील भूमिहीन महादेव कोळी जमातीच्या उपजीविकेचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास810 to 816Download
142श्रीमती अफसाना हमीद शेखपर्यटनातील आधुनिक कल : एक अभ्यास817 to 824Download
143प्रा. सुषमा विलासराव जाधवप्राचार्य, पी.बी.पाटील: इतिहास लेखन विषयक विचार व कार्य825 to 831Download
144प्रा. (डॉ) सुशीलकुमार शिंदेभारतातील राजकीय गुन्हेगारीकरण832 to 838Download
145प्रा. नकुल पोपट खवलेभारतीय लोकशाही पुढील समकालीन समस्या व आव्हाने839 to 846Download
146प्रा.डॉ.सतिष मैलारी कटकेभारतीय लोकशाही समोरील आव्हाने व उपाययोजना847 to 853Download
147डॉ.अशोक बा.जाधवभारतीय लोकशाहीतील राजकीय पक्षांची धोरणे आणि मार्गदर्शक तत्वे854 to 858Download
148खराटे राजू दिपकमहिला आरक्षण आणि सुरक्षा859 to 865Download
149डॉ. मेघा संजय पाटीलमानवी हक्क संरक्षण : जबाबदारी आणि कर्तव्य866 to 872Download
150प्रा. डॉ. उपाध्य भारत बाबुरावमीडिया के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिन्दी873 to 878Download
151श्री. सचिन ताराचंद धुर्वेमहाराष्ट्र राज्य आदिवासी विकास विभागामार्फत अनुसूचित जमातीच्या कल्याणासाठी राबविण्यात येणाऱ्या योजनाचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास879 to 884Download
152प्रा. राजेंद्र पवारमहिलांविरुद्ध सायबर गुन्हे: भारतातील समस्या आणि तथ्य885 to 896Download
153श्री. दत्तात्रय हरी नाईकसाथीच्या रोगानंतर पर्यटन प्रवासावर झालेल्या परिणामांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास897 to 901Download
154डॉ. विजय पाटिलस्थानीय भाषा और राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020902 to 907Download
155Mr. Sudam V. ChakradhariIssues and challenges of Skill Development in Higher Education908 to 910Download
156प्रा. प्रमिला अधिकराव सुर्वेमालिका पाहणाऱ्या व न पाहणाऱ्या महिलांची मनोधारणा911 to 916Download
157Dr. Sarjerao Aba GaikwadDetailed Analysis of Rajarambapu Patil Group of Textile Industries in Sangli District917 to 925Download
158Dr. Trupti. S. ThoratImpact Of Media On Society: A Sociological Study926 to 934Download
159Shri. C. A. Naik
Dr. V. V. Chinte
A Study Of Factors Affecting The State Level Kabaddi Performance Of The Players From South Konkan Region (Sindhudurg And Ratnagiri District)935 to 938Download
160Prajakta N. DagadeRole Of A Teacher In Imbibing Values In Students939 to 943Download
161Samiksha Sanjay PowarA Study Of Internet Addiction And Its Effects On Mental Health Among College Students944 to 949Download
162डॉ. रंजना आप्पासाहेब कमलाकरइक्कीसवी सदी में हिंदी के सामने चुनौतियाँ950 to 953Download
163Prasad Sunil KulkarniA study on Problems in adoption of GST for Garment retailors with special reference to Islampur city954 to 960Download
164तैय्यबा अप्पासाहेब मुलाणीकुटुंब संस्थेमधील परिवर्तनाचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास961 to 964Download
165डॉ.देवकते उत्तम शेषरावऑलिंम्पिक स्पर्धेत भारताची कामगिरी965 to 970Download
166Dr. Shankar Keshav Mane
Miss. Aarti Krishna Gavade
A Geographical Study of Sagareshwar as a Tourist Centre in Sangli District971 to 979Download
167More P. M.
Lamb A. M.
Climate Change and its Impact on Plants: A Comprehensive Review980 to 981Download
168प्रा.डॉ.अनिल किसन करवरभारतीय समाजापुढील आव्हाने आणि मानवतेची भूमिका982 to 988Download
169डॉ. गजानन खंडू सोनुनेमहिलांचे अधिकार आणिहक्कविषयी: समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास989 to 994Download
170Dr. Mrs. Chougule Harsha AtulForeign Tourist Arrivals to India before and after Pandemic995 to 1001Download
171Mr. Santosh Vasantrao JadhavImportance of Yoga in Daily life1002 to 1005
172Dr. A. S. KadamA Study of Cropping Pattern in Walwa Tehsil District1006 to 1009Download
173Nilofar Bashir TamboliFinancial Literacy: Challenges and Problems Among Rural Women1010 to 1014Download
174सौ. रोहिणी सतीश कुंभारसु -शासन1015 to 1019Download
175Dr. Suryawanshi U. N.The Impact Of Agriculture Development On Soil Degradation In Sangli District: A Geographical Study (Ms)1020 to 1034Download
176Dr. Vinodkumar D. Kumbhar
Dr. Amol G. Sonawale
Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Indian Society and Role of Humanities1035 to 1040Download
177Mrs. Varsha Vaibhav PatilRetelling History; New Trends Of Children Literature1041 to 1044Download
178डॉ. गोविंद मारुती अंबीभारतातील स्वच्छ भारत अभियान1045 to 1052Download
179जाधव सोमनाथ भानुदासई -प्रशासन आणि भारत1053 to 1057Download
180अंकेश ललित प्रसाद साहूनागपूर शहरात रस्त्यावर राहणाऱ्या मूलांच्या जीवनमानाचे आर्थिक अध्ययन1058 to 1066Download
181प्रा.(डॉ) राजू कलमेश सावंतराजकीय गुन्हेगारीकरण1067 to 1070Download
182निरंजन सखाराम रजपूतभारतातील समकालीन सामाजिक समस्या आणि त्यावरील उपाययोजना1071 to 1076Download
183प्रा. पूजा हिरामण गांगोडेविकास प्रकल्पांमुळे पर्यावरणावर झालेले परिणाम1077 to 1082Download
184डॉ. एस. व्ही. गायकवाड
प्रा. व्ही. एच. माळी-जाधव
सविता हंजे
तनुजा जगताप
उर्मिला सादळे-खोत
श्री क्षेत्र हालसिद्धनाथ आप्पाचीवाडी: या धार्मिक पर्यटन स्थळाला भेट देणाऱ्या भाविकांच्या समाधान पातळीचा अभ्यास1083 to 1090Download
185दीपक पाटीलऊस दर आिण एफ आर पी1091 to 1094Download
186डॉ. संतोष प्रभाकर कावडेहवामान बदलातून जल व्यवस्थापन1095 to 1096Download
187Dr. Nilam Shankar DesaiImpact Of Sugar Factories On Socio-Economic Development In Karad Tahsil1097 to 1105Download
188Dr. Nisargandh Prabhakar R.Annihilation of Caste: Ideological Diversity in Colonial India1106 to 1116Download
189Mulani Sultana ChandsoSocial Welfare Policies of Government for Weaker Section: Slums in Sangli, Miraj and Kupwad Municipal Corporation: A Geographical Study1117 to 1123Download
190Mr. Sourabh PrakashReview On E-Governance for Good Governance in India1124 to 1127Download
191Dr. Aparajita ModakA Study of the Effectiveness of Corporate Advertising in a Metropolitan City like Delhi1128 to 1132Download
192Dr. Aparajita ModakDigital Media and Global Culture: A Critical Review In Special context to Youth Perspective1133 to 1137Download
193Syamsundar Reddy, G Anjan BabuCovid 19 Impacts on Cyber Security: Issues and Challenges1138 to 1143Download
194Swarup Chakraborty, Shivani BaskeyProgressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Newer Approaches towards its Treatment1144 to 1150Download
195Dr. Amulya M.Challenges Faced By Telecom Sector in India1151 to 1156Download
196Anil Kumar Madhesia, Prof. Shobha GaurComparative Study of Spiritual Intelligence of Prospective Teachers1157 to 1164Download
197डॉ. जितेंद्र कुमाररक्षा अध्ययन विषय के शिक्षण में शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री की उपयोगिता1165 to 1167Download
198Dr. Aparna MishraExploring Existential Themes in Sartre's "The Wall": An Analysis1168 to 1170Download
199Subash KutumArt and Architecture of Mauryan Period1171 to 1174Download
200M. R. Patil, K. A. Kamalapurkar, C. P. Sabban, R. P. WaghFormulation, Standardization and Screening of Polyherbal Churna for Antacid Activity1175 to 1179Download
201B Baishali Behera, Naresh Kumar BeheraMental Health in the Bhagavad-Gita: A Precarious Approach1180 to 1184Download
202Sinal Tuscano, Nilima GajbhiyeOrganic Phosphate mineralization by bacteria isolated from polluted soil1185 to 1189Download
203Rashmi Ramesh PurkeThe Psychological Impact of Racial Oppression in Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye"1190 to 1193Download
204कुमार सत्यमस्त्री के बहुस्तरीय शोषण की गाथा- 'शिकंजे का दर्द'1194 to 1195Download
205Alameen N. , Dr. N. JayanthiA Study on Customs House Agent and Documentation in Chennai Port Authority1196 to 1200Download
206.Mohamed Ishaq .M. I. , Dr.N.JayanthiA Study on Parcel Perfection in Customer Satisfaction1201 to 1206Download
207Mohamed Ameer Akif , Dr. N. JayanthiA Study on Effectiveness of Clearing and Forwarding Procedures on the Procurement Efficiency1207 to 1214Download
208Sasikeeran E. , Dr. N. JayanthyA Study on Production and Distribution of Dairy Products With Reference To Aavin Sholinganallur1215 to 1220Download
209Mr. Bhupen LahonUniversality of Shakespeare's tragedy with special reference to Hamlet and King Lear1221 to 1224Download
210Pratistha DwivediImmunomics: An Approach to Predict the Immunome1225 to 1228Download
211Sheik. Kuthija , Dr.Gowtham Ashirwad KumarEnvironmental management practices and financial performance: evidence from large listed Indian enterprises1229 to 1233Download
212Mayur A. DongreMycoflora study of rice plant’s root soil from Gondia district1234 to 1239Download
213Dr. Sunil Ambrushi GondAn Analytical Study of FinTech Startups in India1240 to 1244Download
214डॉ.स्वाती वसंतराव चव्हाणकिशोरावयीन मुलांचे मानसिक आरोग्य आणि शैक्षणिक संपादणुक यांच्यातील परस्परसंबंधांचा अभ्यास1245 to 1246Download
215डॉ.ज्ञानी देवी गुप्तादेवकीनन्दन खत्री के उपन्यासों में कल्पना और यथार्थ का समन्वय1247 to 1252Download
216Getachew Mihret, Dawit Negussie, Jagdish JoshiThe Challenges of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review1253 to 1258Download
217R. N. Ingole, S. B. Waghmare, S. S. Suroshe, S. A. Shinde,
P. D. Gualkar, V. P. Kakde, D. R. Kamble, P.V.Gore and A. K. Ukande
Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel 1-(5-Substituted-2, 4-dithibiurete)-4-methoxyphenyl1259 to 1261Download
218Miss. Arti K. Mali, Dr. Suyog Amrutrao“Digital Commerce Evaluation: Enhancing Customer Relationship VIA Technology”1262 to 1273Download
219Dr. Shrishail M Ghurghure, M kais Sameer Attar, Sumit Umbardand, Suraj Chaker,
Shrinath Diwate, Manoj Patil
Solid Dispersion by Melt Method to Improve Solubility and Oral Bioavailability of Ritonavir1274 to 1281Download
220सत्येंद्र कुमार गुप्तमाध्यमिक स्तर पर अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थियों की आध्यात्मिक बुद्धि और शैक्षिक उपलब्धि का अध्ययन1282 to 1291Download
221प्रा. अजय विश्वास आयरेकरमहाराष्ट्रातील दारिद्र्य निर्मूलनावर शासनाच्या कल्याणकारी कार्यक्रमांचा प्रभाव1292 to 1295Download
222प्रा. गणेश रविंद्र स्वामीयशवंतराव चव्हाण: आधुनिक महाराष्ट्राचे निर्माणकर्ता1296 to 1299Download
223Mr. Abhay Bhauso Patil, Dr. Ramakant KaspateCurrent Senario of Rajarambapu Patil Co-Op-Sugar Factory Ltd Rajaramnagar1300 to 1304Download
224Md. Taukir AlamEmpowering youth through Vocational Education with special reference of NEP 20201305 to 1308Download
225DR. S. Vennila Fathima Rani, Angel Dung DungEmerging Issues of Consumer Rights over Services1309 to 1313Download
226B. H. JawaleThermal And Biological Studies Of 3-[3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphe -Nyl)Acryloyl]-4-Hydroxy-6-Methyl-2h-Pyran-2-Onewith Metal Ion Chelates1314 to 1324Download
227Ishan Pavan Shah
Prof. Mayur Dande
Consumer Buying Behavior- “A Comparative Study Of Select Spices Brands”1325 to 1334Download
228Mohd Akhlak Hussain
Ms. Rajni Chauhan
Evolving Approaches to Employee Retention in Changing Workforce Dynamics1335 to 1345Download
229Ms. Dnyaneshwari Rahulsing Jamdar, Ms. Sonali Satyavan More, Ms. Sonali Bapu Mote, Mr. A. D. Harale, Dr. A. O. MulaniChild Safety Wearable Device1346 to 1349Download
230Dr. Sivaprasad HariSeed germination studies of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce. from India1350 to 1353Download
231 Professor A. C. Pise, Shabnam Mulani, Vinayak Aiwale, Minakshi JavirEmbedded System for Controlling Device Using Cloud Parameter1354 to 1357Download
232Tejas Bhong, Umesh Dethe, Paras Gandhi, Prof. Takale S. R.Android app based control & parameter update in cloud1358 to 1361Download
233Nethra S., Tayyaba AhmadResearch Study on Migraine: A Neurological Disorder and Its Impact on Mental and Social Life1362 to 1371Download
234Balaji H. JawalePreparation, analytical and X-ray diffraction studies of 4-hydroxy-3-[3-(4-isopropyl phenyl)-acryloyl]-6-methyl-2H-pyran-2-one and its some transition metal’s complexes.1372 to 1378Download
235Dinesh Santosh Randave, Prof. Dattatraya M. Korake, Amar Shashikant Shinde, Sumit Shrirang Gude, Yuvraj Pralhad Pawar, and Prof. Kishor JadhavPrepaid Energy Meter Kit1379 to 1383Download
236पूनम, डॉ. हरेराम सिंहवर्तमान भू - राजनीतिक परिद्दश्य में गटनिर्पेक्ष आन्दोलन की प्रासंगिकता1384 to 1389Download
237Sheik Kuthija, Dr. Gowtham Aashirwad KumarCorporate Environmental Performance and Financial Distress: during COVID-19 outbreak Insight from India firms1390 to 1392Download
238प्रा. डॉ. सुनंदा राम परीटइस्लामपूर आगारातील महिला बस वाहकांचा सामाजिक व आर्थिक अभ्यास1393 to 1396Download
239Professor A. C. Pise, Samarth Shinde, Arman Shaikh, Jayash DadasAutomatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Alerting System1397 to 1400Download
240Archna Kumari, Vijay Kumar YadavenduEmotional Challenges of International Students in Higher Education: A Psychological Perspective1401 to 1410Download
241Ashish Kumar SainiIndian Government Policies to Support Formers in the Agricultural Sector1411 to 1420Download
242Sarika Fargade, Minal Shelke, Shubhada ChaudharyPlant Regeneration Studies in Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Morifolium L.)1421 to 1426Download
243नीरज कुमार पांडेय, डॉ अनामिका सिंहवैश्वीकरण का ग्रामीण युवाओ पर सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव : एक समाजशास्रीय अव्ययन1427 to 1429Download
244प्रा. डॉ. राजेश सं. बहुरुपीआधुनिक भारताच्या व्यवसायामध्ये ऑनलाईन व्यवसायाची भूमिका1430 to 1431Download
245Daji Madhukar Shelake, Prof. Dattatraya M. Korake, Vijay Sarjerao Thengal, Arbaj Anjumkhan Pathan, Ruturaj Sanjay TambileDesign and Development of Solar Operated Pesticide Sparying Vehicle1432 to 1436Download
246Dr. Asit PandaContemporary Indian English Drama: Innovations and Trends in Themes and Styles1437 to 1445Download
247Dr. Jagdish ChandAchieving the Sustainable Development Goals: India's Progress and Challenges1446 to 1448Download
248प्रा.डॉ.संगीता विष्णु भोसलेसुशीला टाकभौरे के कहानियों में नारी सशक्तिकरण1449 to 1452Download
249प्रो. चम्पालाल पाटले, एवं डा. कमलेश कुमार शुक्लमराठा राजनीति में बाजीराव प्रथम का योगदान1453 to 1455Download
250Mona Nimesh Dedhia, Daksha DaveRural Women Entrepreneurs: Challenges and Future Prospective1456 to 1459Download
251Anju ChavanA Study on Socioeconomic Disparity in Maharashtra: A District Level Analysis1460 to 1464Download
252डॉ. सूरज बालासो चौगुलेभूमंडलीकरण, निजीकरण और उदारीकरण से प्रभावित साहित्य और संस्कृति ।1465 to 1470Download
253Amit Patil Poverty Eradication in India: A Study of Government Policies and Programs1471 to 1480Download
254डॉ. सुजाता सा. पाटील महिलांचे (लोकसभा व राज्य विधानसभा) आरक्षण विधेयक: एक आढावा1481 to 1485Download
255Mr. Gangaram Balasaheb Masal
Mr. Shrenik Gangaram Masal
The Contribution of Indian English Literature to the Advancement of Society1486 to 1490Download
256Dr. Konade B. N.The Impact of Rainfall on Production of Jawar in Solapur District (2016-21)1491 to 1493Download
257Mr.Prashant Prakashrao DigraskarThe Power of Motivational Poems: Inspiring Change Through Verse1494 to 1495Download
258Mr. Kaustubha Kishorkumar SawantThe Behavioural Forces Shaping Currency Futures and Options Trading in the Indian Context: A Behavioural Finance Perspective with Reference to RBI Guidelines on Unauthorized Platforms1496 to 1499Download
259Prof. Sapana S. YeshiThe Study of Importance of CRM in the Banking Sector amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic1500 to 1502Download
260Dr. Sudhakar k. MateGlobal Perspective Benefits1503 to 1505Download
261ऐश्वर्या नामदेव बल्लाळसंविधान शिल्पकारक डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर1506 to 1508Download

Vol. 11 No. 5

 May – June 2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover PageDownload
1Chetan P. Sabban, Rushikesh Wagh, Mr. K. A. Kamalpurkar, Manoj Patil, Anchal AlegaonFormulation And Evaluation Of Mucuna Pruriens Tablets Containing Levodopa For Parkinson's Disease Management1 to 9Download
2Prof.S.R. Gavali, Mr.Pranav Salunkhe, Mr.Pradip Dhumal, Mr.Ganesh Gavali, Mr. Vishal DangeNumerical & Experimental Analysis of Transient Cooling of Cylinder10 to 14Download
3Sheik Kuthija , Dr. Gowtham Aashirwad KumarCorporate Environmental Performance and Financial Distress: during COVID-19 outbreak Insight from India firms15 to 17Download
4Mr. G. Prabhakaran , Dr. M. SugunaComprehensive Study of Guerilla Marketing's Impact and Effectiveness in Modern Business18 to 19Download
5Dr. Kshamali Sontakke.The Importance of Transportation in Tourism Sector of Konkan Region of Maharashtra20 to 22Download
6Dr. Nagaraja JA Study on Problems and Prospectives of the Street Vendors in Hosapete City23 to 26Download
7Mrs. Anupama JoseUnveiling the Depths: A Psychological Exploration of Characters In The Silent Patient27 to 28Download
8Dr. Shinde V.G.A Study of Economic Development through Entrepreneurship and Marketing in India29 to 34Download
9Mr.Yogesh K.PatilNACA Accreditation: Fostering Sustainable Development in Higher Education35 to 36Download
10Prof. Amol Nivrutti Godase , Mr. Akshay Santosh Shinde , Mr. Yash Navnath Shinde, Mr. Anil Jagannath Karanavar, Mr. Aditya Appa DevkuleExpressive Hands: Empathetic Communication for All37 to 40Download
11Mr. Jawale Gautam Ramchandra
Dr. Gunwant B Gadbade
An Analysis on Mutual Fund Industries As a Resource Mobilization in India41 to 47Download
12Nazeer Shaik
Dr. B. Harichandana Dr. P. Chitralingappa
Deep Learning: Cutting-Edge Techniques and Real-World Applications48 to 60Download
13Dr. Veena Naik
Dr. Subrahmanya P.
A Review On Understanding of Siraja Granthi vis-a-vis Varicose Vein61 to 69Download
14Dr.S. Muthulekshmi, Dharun S, Kiruthik Vigas D, Vinoth K, Visva.G.S, Harsha Adithya .S, Wasim Arshad.M.RA Study of the Diagnosis on the Usage of Software In Billing Process70 to 77Download
15Dr. Muthulekshmi S, Nilay Singh I, Santhosh MM, Sanjay G, Sanjay Y, Mithun S, Samuel CUnderstanding the Dynamics of Market Demand and Consumer Preferences in Entertainment Platform -Comprehensive Study78 to 83Download
16Shrishail M Ghurghure, Attar M Kais, Jayendra Chavadekar, Nikhil Dhayagode, Pradeep Chabukswar, Samarth dharane, Onkar damdhereFormulation and Evaluation of Antibacterial Ointment Containing Aqueous Extract of Leaves of Calotropis Gigantea L.84 to 92Download
17डॉ. गोविंद मारुती अंबीभारतातील मानसिक ताण-तणाव आणि आत्महत्त्या: एक दृष्टीक्षेप93 to 102Download
18डॉ. प्रशांत आर. तोरवणे श्री. गणेश डी. पावरानंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील लोकसंख्या वाढीचा भूमी उपयोजनेच्या पद्धतीवर होणारा परिणाम: एक भौगोलिक अभ्यास103 to 108Download
19ललित शर्माव्यंग्य विधा एक परिचय (अर्थ, परिभाषा एवं प्रमुख तत्व)109 to 112Download
20Prerana B. Abhang, Ashwini G.GhadgeStudies on Wilt Complex Disease of Pomegranate113 to 115Download
21Rahul J. IngawaleEmerging Trends and Challenges in IT Sector116 to 119Download
22Shweta Dogra, Rajesh Kumar AggarwalHealth-Seeking Behaviour Among Tribal Women in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti Districts120 to 127Download
23Jyoti Bhadouria, Gunjan Dwivedi and Gourav Kumar SinghEmpowerment of Tribal Women through Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review128 to 131Download
24Kummarikuntla Manisha, Dr. Syeda Nishat FathimaAn Exploration of Culture-Specific Psychiatric Syndrome in India132 to 135Download
25Santosh Shivraj Gulave, Dr. Atul Shripad AradhyeDesign and Analysis of Robust Portable Wheel Chair Ramp136 to 143Download
26Pravin Kantilal Rupnawa, Dr. Atul Shripad AradhyeOptimization of School Platform through Multi criterion Decision Making Tool144 to 149Download
27Mr. Ajay Kumar RanaA Sociological Study of the increasing prevalence of drug abuse among Youth150 to 152Download
28Ashwini S. Waghmare, Suhas S. SatonkarComparative Analysis of Blur Image Restoration Techniques: A Review153 to 157Download
29Dr. Anita GoswamiMimicry or Mimi’s Cry:An Alternate Reading of Mimi (2021) as a Response to Neo-Colonialism158 to 160Download
30G. Sai Krishnam NaiduOperational Management Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Automotive Manufacturing161 to 164Download
31Miss. Sujata U. Kasbe, DR. Swati Shende, Mr. Ganesh B. SangaleOptimization of Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Oats, Makhana Dosa Premix165 to 170Download
32Alzaahid Fakaruddin Nadaf, Mr Sachin DesaiComprehensive Study and Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare sector171 to 174Download
33D. J. Shetti
S. K. Chougule
P. D. Chougule
Response of the GPS-measured Total Electron Content (TEC) at Low Latitude during the Geomagnetic Storm175 to 181Download
34डॉ. बोईनवाड कृष्णा बाबुरावभारतीय साहित्य में लोक की अवधारणा एवं स्वरुप182-184Download
35Nilambari Sanjekar, Shruti Kayal, K. AnupamaDigitalization of Rural India: Digital Village185-189Download
36डॉ. अर्शिया सैयदछिन्नमस्ता: स्त्री जीवन की त्रासदी से मुक्ति की यात्रा190-192Download
37Dr. Parmil Kumar, Ms. Sapna VermaImportance of Central Bank Digital Currency: in present era193-198Download
38Gita Baral , Mr.Rajarshi Roy ChowdhuryInformation and Communication Technology in Integration in Teacher Education in Inda: Enhance Teaching and Learning199-202Download
39Dr. Sweta GhoshThe way Marketing Concept Changed with Time: A Historical Analysis203-211Download
40Vishagan R , Siddarth S, Nirmal Raj.SDigital Banking Platforms212-217Download
41Dr.Varsha S. Sukhadeve , Namita Satish KolteGreen Accounting and its Impact on Institutions Financial Planning and Budgeting in India218-221Download
42Miteshkumar B.Panchal , Dr.Maheshkumar C. Rathva, Dr Ajay SoniFactors Affecting Choice Of Ecommerce Sites For Online Purchase : A Study222-229Download
43Dr. Sunilkumar S. JadavA Psychological Study of Marital Adjustment in Couples in the Context of Marital Type230-232Download
44Dr Vrundan p. JayswalHolistic Approach to Preconception Care: A Conceptual Framework233-235Download
45Divya Tiwari, Prof. Kiran SinghAnalysing Land Use Efficiency and Food Crop Utilization in Jaunpur District: Trends and Implications from 2010 to 2022236-240Download
46Dr. Ashwani Kumar AwasthiJob Opportunities through Tourism in the Bundelkhand Region241-245Download
47आकांक्षा सिंहजनपद मऊ में गन्ना उत्पादन की चुनौतियाँ एवं सहकारी चीनी मिल की भूमिका246-251Download
48कुलदीप कुमार ओझा, डाँ. ध्रुव कुमार द्रिवेदीप्रतिदर्शी गाँवों का भौगोलिक अध्ययन (रीवा जिले के विशेष संदर्भ में)252-257Download
49Vivek KumarTrade Secrets and Confidential Information: Strategies for Safeguarding Business Assets in India258-260Download
50Dr. Jagdish ChandClimate Change and Vulnerability: Disaster Preparedness in Himachal Pradesh261-264Download
51Heena FerozA Stiwanist study of Nuruddin Farah’s novel Sardines265-269Download
52Dr. Nagaraja JA Study on Gdp, Unemployment and Okun's Law: Evidance From India270-275Download
53Dr. Nilima Rajaram MirajkarAn Examination of the Recent Tax Reform and Its Consequences on Small and Medium Enterprises276-282Download
54Dr. Nilima Rajaram MirajkarAn Economic analysis of ecological repercussion and usegubility impact of irrigation system in satara district of Maharashtra283-290Download
55प्रा. नितीन तुकाराम जाधवकोळी समाजातील मुख्य गटांचा अभ्यास291-293Download
56ज्ञानेश्वर रामदास बोंपिलवारमहाराष्ट्राच्या लोकसंगीतातील लोकनाट्य: तमाशा294-296Download
57Dr Rajesh. B. Deshmukh, Kilel K. BenardInvestigating Regulatory Failures in Addressing White-Collar Crime297 to 305Download
58Dr. Prachi S. HalgaonkarA Perspective on the Development of Indian Music in Education306 to 308Download
59Ms. Shubhashri Gopalkrishna KamalapurImpact of Social Media on Msw Students Karnatak University309 to 312Download
60Dr.Prashant MavarakarEnvironmental issues and threat to wildlife animals in India313 to 319Download
61Pooja Tripathi, Dr. Kalpana PatnNutrition and Food in Contemporary Science320 to 324Download
62डॉ. दत्तात्रय निवृत्ती वाघमारेसोने आणि सोन्याच्या किंमतीवर परिणाम करणारे घटक325 to 330Download
63डॉ. गजेन्द्र भारद्वाजललित निबंध संदर्भित वैवाहिक लोकाचारों की विविधता का अध्ययन।331 to 335Download
64पप्पु कुमार, डॉ.अनुरंजनबेगूसराय जनपद में लिंगानुपात एवं साक्षरता में सह-संबंध का भौगोलिक अध्ययन।336 to 342Download
65डॉ. दिगंबर भा. टुलेव्यवसायिक नैतिकतेचा (Business Ethics) व्यवसाय वाढीच्या सहसंबंधाचा अभ्यास343 to 351Download
66Dasi kavya, Syeda Nishat FathimaThe Health Consequences of Household Chemicals352 to 355Download
67डॉ. देवेन्द्र कुमार बघेलभारत में महिला श्रमिक कानूनों में डॉ. भीमराव आंबेडकर का योगदान356 to 363Download
68Mr. Vibhav Vivekanand Verenker
Dr. Md Rafiqur Rahman
The Usage Patterns Of Institutional Repositories And The Perspectives Of Library Users For The Utilization Of Reading Culture364 to 375Download
69Rajendra Fakir Wekhande
Dr. Pruthviraj Desai
A Review On The Relationship Between Financial Development And Financial Inclusion In India376 to 385Download
70Mr. Shirsekar Siddhesh Sushil Sheetal
Dr. Ananta Shandilya Dr. Aditee Vaidya
Challenges And Solutions In Designing Interactive Children’s Books386 to 400Download
71Mrs. Rekha
Dr. Yogesh Singh
A Review On Life Satisfaction And Stress Level Among Working And Non- Working Women401 to 409Download
72Pushpa Vitthal Hirave
Dr. Md Rafiqur Rahman
A Study of Libraries' Vital Role in Sustainable Development, with a Focus on Maharashtra410 to 421Download
73डॉ.विनोद कुमार1857 का विद्रोह और वैचारिक मतभेद: एक संक्षिप्त अध्ययन422 to 425Download
74Dr Dilip Pipara, Dr. Shiv kumarEconomic Ideas of J.K. Mehta & it’s present relevance426 to 429Download
75Ms. Rupa Kumari
Dr. Anita Kumar
Factors Influencing The Effectiveness Of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy For Substance Use Disorder Among Young Adults430 to 439Download
76Saket S. Sarwade, Shahaji S.ChandanshiveA Study of Butterfly Diversity in Paranda, District Dharashiv (M.S), India440-443Download
77Mr.Prashant Prakashrao DigraskarAnalyzing Classwise Learning Outcomes: A Comprehensive Study444-446Download
78अमित अशोक पाटीलविठ्ठल रामजी शिंदे यांचे सामाजिक कार्य व तत्कालीन सामाजिक परिस्थितीबद्दल त्यांचे विचार447 to 449Download
79Mr. Hemanta ChutiaA Statistical Study on the Status of Livestock Farming in North East India450 to 454Download
80Chandra Kanta DoleyExploring Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management in North East India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies for Growth455 to 460Download
81ऐश्वर्या नामदेव बल्लाळराजर्षी शाहू महाराज यांची दूरदृष्टी461 to 463Download
82S. D. KambleResources Is Engine of Industrial Development464 to 469Download
83Dr Maheshkumar BhaisareReflection of Digital Technology in Literature470 to 472Download
84Mr. Sandip Ramgonda Patil
Prof. Dr. J. S. Ingale
Role Of Common Property Resources In Rural Development Of India473 to 482Download
85प्रा. अधिकराव हिंदुराव निकम मंत्रीमंडळाची सामूहिक जबाबदारी-भारत483 to 487Download

Vol. 11 No. 6

 July – August 2024


Sr. No.Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover Page
1Souram Sravanthi, Syeda Nishat FathimaA Comprehensive Review of Toxicokinetics1 to 4Download
2A. CatherinM.A., Dr. S. SobanaWomen's Quest for Self-realization and Freedom for their Own Destiny in Manju Kapur’s A Married Woman5 to 7Download
3Dr. P.R.Torawane, Mr.B.D.PatilChilli Crops in Nandurbar District: A Review of Agricultural Practices, Yield, and Export Performance8 to 13Download
4Mahesh Chandre, Dr.Tushar BorseProtease Inhibitors in Plants: A Comprehensive Review of their Classification, Distribution and Functional Roles14 to 20Download
5Prof. Dr. Sanjay Maheshwari, Dr. Akash AgrawalAn outline of "online" methods for promoting income in e-advertising technology from an Indian perspective21 to 25Download
6Dr. Muniraju M., Dr. K.PrasannakumariPrevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) - Implementation and Enforcement26 to 33Download
7प्रा. नितीन तुकाराम जाधवखानदेशचा प्राचीन इतिहास34 to 37Download
8डॉ. देवेन्द्र कुमार बघेलडॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर द्वारा की गई श्रमिकों के लिए संवैधानिक व्यवस्था38 to 46Download
9Dr. (Mrs.) Clementine Julius RebelloUnlocking Women's Potential Through Education47 to 51Download
10Dr. Narendra DhabaiThe Impact and Development of Tourism in India52 to 55Download
11डॉ. पुष्पा रानी गंगवारजनपद जौनपुर में विकासखण्डवार आधारभूत संरचना की प्रगति का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन56 to 62Download
12पंकज कुमार मिश्र, डॉ चंद्रभूषण सिंहजनपद गाजीपुर मे शस्य प्रतिरूप का एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन63 to 65Download
13डाँ. सुदर्शन ए. दिवसे, गजानन दशरथ जगमवारवृत्तपत्र स्वरूप आणि महत्व : एक प्रभावी प्रसारमाध्यम66 to 68Download
14Dr. Narendra DhabaiRajasthan Revealed: The Role of Heritage Tourism in Cultural Preservation69 to 71Download
15Dr. N. Seeni Mohamed, Dr. S.A.Ramjani, Dr. A. Abul HussainArtificial Intelligence in Libraries: Benefits, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations72 to 76Download
16Dr. Narendra DhabaiHadoti: Cultural Heritage, Historical Significance, and Tourism Development77 to 80Download
17Ms. Harshana NikamDr. B.R. Ambedkar's Views on the Foreign Policy of India81 to 84Download
18Praneetam R, Raghu Prem Harapanahalli, Shaun Kelvin RodriguesBalancing Innovation and Oversight: Examining the Influence of Cryptocurrency Regulation85 to 89Download
19Riya, Dr. Arun KumarScreening of phytochemicals with comparative studies on different parts of Leea macrophylla Roxb. ex Hornem. (Hastikarna Palasa)90 to 94Download
20Abdalstar A. Saleem, Alaa A. AbdallahOn Birecurrent Finsler Space for Projective Curvature Tensor95 to 99Download
21Dr. Vaishali Padmakar FaleMitigating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Legal Perspectives, Challenges, and Solutions100 to 102Download
22ರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರ ಎಚ್. ಸಿಮಕ್ಕಳ ನ್ಯಾಯಕಾಯ್ದೆ -2015 ಮತ್ತು ಕಾನೂನು ಬದ್ದ ದತ್ತು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ103 to 108Download
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24Dr. Navdeep Kaur, Ms. KirtiStudy of Locus of Control In Relation To Emotional Intelligence Among Senior Secondary School Students112 to 121Download
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27Fulmante B. M., Shinde K. U.Effects of Ag and Co Doping on the Structural and Optical Characteristics of ZnO Nanoparticles129 to 132Download
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29प्रा. डॉ गायकवाड एस.एम.नवीन राष्ट्रीय शैक्षणिक धोरण 2020 समोरील आव्हाने138 to 141Download
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Dr. Sonia
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Utilization Of Water Hyacinth For Bioethanol Production163 to 174Download
34Archana Keshaorao Gaikwad
Dr. Rajendra Arjun Mhaske
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35P. Padmambika, Dr. P. Lavanya, B Sai Soujanya KumariEmpowering Special Learners: Bridging Gaps Through Assistive Technology185 to 187Download
36Stavelin Abhinandithe K, Prerana M, Sridhar Ramachandran, Balasubramanian SomanathanA Time Series Wavelet Analysis And Its Applications: A Review188 to 194Download
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38शुभांगी एस.होवाळ, सय्यद आर.जेभारतातील महिला सक्षमीकरण: पुढाकार आणि आव्हाने199 to 202Download
39शुभांगी एस.होवाळ, सय्यद आर.जेपंचायती राज संस्थांमधील महिला प्रतिनिधींच्या महिला सक्षमीकरणाचा अभ्यास203 to 205Download
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44प्रा. डॉ.राजेंद्र रामनाथ गायकवाड१९६० नंतरची नाटय वाड्मयाची वाटचाल224 to 226Download
45प्रा. डॉ.राजेंद्र रामनाथ गायकवाडकादंबरी: समाजबदलाचे प्रतिबिंब अधोरेखित करणारा वाड्मयप्रकार227 to 230Download
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48Dr. P. C. GangurdeAnalyzing Rural Settlement Size Trends: A Comparative Study of Nashik District from 1991 to 2011237 to 242Download
49Dr.Mayurkumar Mukundbhai SolankiMarcus Aurelius’s Stoicism in Meditations: A New Dawn243 to 245Download
50पूजा तानाजी सितापे, प्रा. डाँ. मंगल एस. टेकाडेपाणलोट क्षेत्र व्यवस्थापन कार्यक्रम योगदान : संदर्भ विशेष अहमदनगर जिल्हा246 to 252Download
51डाँ. विमला मरावी1857 की क्रान्ति में महिलाओं का योगदान- एक ऐतिहासिक विश्लेषण253 to 255Download
52गजानन दशरथ जंगमवारगोतावळा एक श्रेष्ठ सकस मराठी ग्रामिण कादंबरी (आनंद यादव)256 to 258Download
53Prashant kumar, Dr. Suneshwar PrasadChallenges and Opportunities in Organic Farming in Uttar Pradesh: A Regression Analysis259 to 260Download
54Nitika Verma, Dr.Gagandeep KaurStudy of Teacher Effectiveness In Relation To School Climate Among Secondary School Teachers261 to 268Download
55डॉ. विजय संतू पाटोळेबी.एड. महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये समायोजन शोधिका चाचणीची अंमलबजावणी व सद्यस्थितीचा अभ्यास269 to 275Download
56डॉ. विजय संतू पाटोळेविद्यार्थ्यांमधील कॉपी करण्याच्या मानसिकतेच्या कारणांचा शोध व त्यावरील प्रतिबंधात्मक उपाययोजना:एक अभ्यास276 to 278Download
57Dr Nirmala LohaniTourism and its Impact on the Economy and Environment of the Kumaon Region279 to 284Download
58Aliyar M EMajor Issues in Operational Side of Solas Laws285 to 289Download
59Kamini SinghalA study in agriculture farming of sustainable development in solar energy in India290 to 292Download
60प्रा. राहुल जगन्नाथ इंगवले, कु. कणसे कार्तिकी गणपतइलेक्ट्रॉनिक संसाधनांचा वापर व व्यवस्थापन आणि ग्रंथालये293 to 296Download
61Franky Rani, MeenakshiStudy Of Teaching Competency Among Prospective Teachers In Relation To Their Life Skills297 to 301Download
62Shaswat Swaroop, Dr. Saurabh maniBhagalpur Textile Industry: An Industrial Heartland for Fabric Production in Bihar302 to 306Download
63प्रा. डॉ. ओलेकर प्रमोदकुमार अंकुशस्वातंत्र्यसैनिक सातगोंडा गिरगोंडा पाटील: अज्ञात भारतीय स्वातंत्र्यसैनिकाचा शोध307 to 311Download
64Lalngaihzuali, Dr.Santosh KumariStudy of Teacher Effectiveness In Relation To Emotional Intelligence Among Secondary School Teachers312 to 315Download
65Dr.Namrata AlhatAnalysis of social discourse in Arvind Adhiga's novel The White Tiger316 to 319Download
66रवींद्र धोंडीभाऊ हांडेएकविसाव्या शतकातील महिलांचे पर्यावरणीय क्षेत्रातील नेतृत्व: आव्हाने आणि संधी320 to 325Download
67Dr Maheshkumar BhaisareNEP 2020 and Challenges at Higher Education Institutions In Rural Areas326 to 329Download
68Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, Shally RaniWell-Being In Relation To Emotional Maturity Among College Students330 to 335Download
69Mr. Harshal Siddharth SalunkePower and Gender in the Works of William Shakespeare336 to 337Download
70Mr. Harshal Siddharth SalunkeThe Significance of Education in Victorian Fiction338 to 339Download
71लोकेश बाबुलाल तायडेसमाज माध्यमांचा राजकारणावर होणारा परिणाम340 to 343Download
72लोकेश बाबुलाल तायडेभारतीय संविधानाच्या राजकीय प्रभावाचा विश्लेषणात्मक अभ्यास344 to 347Download
73Simran Sharma, Rutuja Gargote, Ms. Swarangi Marathe, Dr.Ashily Rajendran, Dr. Akshay MeshramPharmacotherapy in patient-controlled sedation techniques348 to 353Download
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77हरि ओम सिंहकौशाम्बी जिले में प्रति जनसंख्या और प्रति क्षेत्रफल पर लोक निर्माण विभाग द्वारा संरक्षित पक्की सडकों की लंबाई का विश्लेषण : 2010-11 से 2021-22 तक का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन368 to 373Download
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79Dr. A B Mishra, Ms. Monika JaiswalCase Study of Kalyan Jewellers - Brand Perception Mapping Towards Disruptive Innovation in Jewellery Segment384 to 396Download
80Deepak M. Sonawane, Bhagwan P. Kshirasgar, Pankaj V. Kadre, Shivnarayan B. BajajThe Role of Cation Substitution and Structural Stability in ABO₃ Perovskite Solar Cells397 to 401Download
81Kumar Rajesh Tejpal Singh, Bhatkute S. Dasharath, Vipul B. Shinde, Shivnarayan B. BajajComparative Structural, Vibrational, and Optical Properties of Ba(Ni₀.₅M₀.₅)O₃ (M = Cu, Co, Cr) Perovskites: A Study Using XRD, FTIR, and UV-Vis Spectroscopy402 to 405Download
82Vaibhav K Kashte, Vishal Ashok Pandit, Nilkanth N Kapse, Dinesh Rathod, Bhagwan G. TokshaFerrite-GO Nanocomposites: Insights into Synthesis Techniques and Structural Characterization406 to 410Download
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84Yawer Ahmad MirBlurring Reality and Fiction: The Power of Speculative Narrative in Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy417 to 424Downlode
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Mr. S. B. Nikam
The Impact of Technology on Mental Health425 to 429Download
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93डॉ. शैलजा धोंडीराम गवळीइंदिरा गोस्वामी के उपन्यासों में नारी की स्थिति454 to 455Download
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Thorat Rameshwar Mahadev
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